Chapter Three

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Shadowpaw, Mudstripe and Mistpaw shot off like a bullet. They were sent off immediately to rescue Bladekit from the rogue who was "supposedly" Shadowpaw's sister. Shadowpaw shook the thought away of her sister and sped on. "Ne and Mistpaw will go this way. Shadowpaw, you go the other way". The apprentice nodded and shot off, her heart racing. Atleast if I find her first, I'll be the one to talk to her, she thought. Suddenly the she-cat came to a stop, diving into the undergrowth. The rogue and Bladekit were up ahead. But they were laughing. They were just having fun. Shadowpaw padded into veiw, with a confused look. The rogue swiftly turned to face her, her claws un-sheathed. "Stay back!" she hissed, her deep green eyes scowling at the apprentice.

"Calm it.. I'm not going to hurt you". The rogue relaxed her fur, but her hostility stayed the same. "I just need to take the kit back". The rogue hissed, wrapping her tail protectively around Bladekit. "No, I came to bring my little sister away from clan life. She belongs here, with me". Shadowpaw took a long glance at them both. She did have two sisters... but wad she mistaken about the rogue? "Well... I'm Shadowpaw, former apprentice of Streamclan, now serving Sandclan". The rogue tilted her head, flattening her ears. "Streamclan?... My mother sent my other sister there. And her name was Shadow. Do you know my sister?". Shadowpae smiled, nodding her head.

"You're looking right at her. Nice to see you, Panther". Panther's green eyes glowed at Shadowpaw. "Come on, go with us. We can all be sisters again" She suggested, grinning. Shadowpaw shook her head, smiling at Bladekit. "No, clan life suits me. But you better take good care of Blade". Panther sighed and nodded, picking Bladekit up in her jaws. "Nice seeing you" she mewed, running off. Shadowpaw smiled and turned back, only to find a furious Mudstripe. "Did you find them? Where's Bladekit?!?" he growled, Mistpaw coming behind. "Bladekit was killed, but I'm pretty sure I got my revenge... She won't be forgetting me too quickly" Shadowpaw lied, her green eyes shining as she spoke. Mudstripe dipped his head and sighed. "Well, congratulations, but Flamewing won't be happy about Bladekit". Shadowpaw stopped smiling and padded off back to camp. Flamewing was pretending to be Bladekit's mother... where did she find Bladekit? Maybe Flamewing knew who their real mother was? Shadowpaw sighed, padding into camp. Mistpaw padded to Bloodstar and explained the bad news.


Srry for not updating much, ive been superr busy with other things xD Will update more often, though.

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