Tags are here and ready to be answered!

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1. Who is your favorite singer and why?
I don't really have a favorite singer so i cant really answer.

2. Have you broken a bone?

3. Do you have any siblings?
Three brothers and five sisters
One is married to my older brother so she is a sister in law.

4. Whats a fun fact about yourself?
My hair is blue.

5. What is your dream lifestyle?
I don't have one to be completely honest.

6. Last text message you sent?
I use messenger:
'I don't have Pokemon go but okay'

7. What is your most prized possession?
I have three:
1. My giant stuffed lion Nigrem (It belonged to my baby sisters)
2. My journal with all my writings
3. My ring

8. Favorite song of all time?
My fault-Imagine dragons

9. Number one ship?

10. Most embarrassing moment?
When we moved to a new school and everyone thought my cousin and i were dating or siblings. The siblings thing is understandable because we look like twins but the dating is just wrong. I have no interest in love and the fact that him and i have to much in common it would be weird even without the family connection.

11. Best friend and how you met?
Cassidy. I was the new kid and i was surrounded by kids one in particular would not leave me alone. She punched the kid and dragged me out of the circle. My best friend punched someone for me. That is how we met. No joke.

12. Favorite album?
No idea.

13. Favorite restaurant and what you order?
Hot dog shoppe. Chili cheese fries and sometimes a hot dog.

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