Chapter 25: The Tampon Hero

Start from the beginning

"I should've told you about this sooner and I feel horrible that I didn't deserved to know. It's just, you told me to cut him like paper..." Justin trails on but I can't listen any further than that. No wonder he described this as horrible news.

Clay. He had to bring him up just before the trip? Maybe that's why he was reluctant to tell me last night because he knew I wouldn't want to hear it. It doesn't bother me that he waited to tell me, but if he's waited this long, why couldn't he wait till after the vacation? Justin notices that he's lost me and states his case over.


It wasn't as horrible as Justin made it out to be. Sure, Clay had called him and left tons of messages expressing his apologies. It's not like Justin contacted him back. Even though, I know he wanted to because he was waiting for Clay to apologize then he would restore their friendship. What was holding Justin back was the fact that Clay hasn't made the effort to call me. If Clay was truly sorry towards me, he would have reached out to me already.

The other "bad news" Justin had for me is that Aria and Fitch will be joining us on the road trip. I shoved his shoulder on that one because it was the exact opposite of bad. Justin has always told me stories about them and I'm glad that I finally get to meet them. That explains the extra donuts. These two work for Miss B and they're Justin's good friends, hopefully I make a good impression on them.

We take my bags and load them into the back of Triple M. I find it cute how Fitch names his car and considers her his prized possession. Justin slams the trunk shut. From inside the car, I can hear Fitch yell to treat Triple M with care. I laugh and Justin rolls his eyes.

Before we board in, Justin warns, "I know you thought I was joking about having a professional driver who can't drive, but I'm being completely serious. Make sure to buckle up." After I nod, he opens up the door for me and I climb into the backseat.

When I take my seat on the other side of Triple M, Aria's and Fitch's eyes are watching me like an animal watches its prey. Nervously, I swallow some air as I buckle my seatbelt. Them watching me makes me feel like I'm meeting his parents. Sure, I've meet his mom before, but she already loves me. As for his dad, Justin told me that I'm probably never going to meet him since his dad is always traveling the country. Meeting Fitch and Aria is the equivalent to meeting the parents. Intimidating, maybe even more.

"Selena, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Aria," she offers her hand to me.

The guy with the dark hair and decent bone structure butts in, "I'm Fitch." After I'm done shaking Aria's hand, I take Fitch's hand. Don't get me wrong, Aria's hands were soft, but Fitch's hands were the softest hands I've ever touched.

They don't turn back around. They're just staring at me, expecting me to do or say something. Looking around Triple M, I then compliment, "It smells really nice in here." Justin and Aria groan. Fitch is all smiles. He has a proud look smeared across his face and I'm wondering if I should've made that statement.

"Well, Selena. I love you already! The scent you're smelling is--" he went on for ten minutes. He probably could have gone on for an hour about the exotic scent inside of Triple M. Justin was the one who shut him up because the whole time he was explaining the scent to me, Triple M wasn't moving.

Fitch groans, "The one time someone is truly interested in knowing the scent in Triple M and you have to ruin it, Justin!"

Justin takes my hand, "As I recall, Selena wasn't asking about the history of the pineapple. She just complimented the scent."

He mumbles, "If you want to get technical about it."

Fitch and Aria turn back forward. Justin tells him to the start the car. We have a long drive ahead of us. But I know that with Justin and his friends, it's going to feel like we are there in the blink of an eye.

Prima Ballerina *Jelena Ballerina Series* (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now