Chapter 21: Injuring my Heart

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Selena's P.O.V.

Forrest leaps into the room. He has a worried look on his face. Directly behind him, enters Resa. No wonder he has a worried look plastered on his face. He rushes over to me and stumbles as he comes to a rough stop.

"You okay there?" I laugh.

"Selena, you won't believe who's here," he pants. How long was he running for? Forrest can do a 5-minute routine without being the least bit winded. Maybe I should've joined track with him in high school.

I roll my eyes, "I already saw Resa. I knew she would be here with us. Hopefully, this year I beat her out for a principle role. But with that scholarship on her shoulders, I'm sure that she's a shoe-in."

He tilts his head, "This has nothing to do with Resa."

"Then who's here?"

Forrest nervously reveals with a bite of his lip, "Clay."

Every muscle in my body grows tense. Apparently last time that he visited my hint wasn't big enough. Correction, it wasn't a hint, I was brutally honest with him. I thought that would be the end of Clay trying to win my heart, but I guess nothing will steer this boy away. If he's here expecting an apology, I'm not going to give him one. He got every word that he deserved.

I cross my arms, "Please tell me that he doesn't have flowers."

Forrest tells, "He doesn't. But he refuses to leave until he sees you."

"Can't Justin get rid of him?" I whine.

He shakes his head, "Justin isn't working today. If I were you I would go talk to him. Our guest choreographer won't be here for another hour, something about struggling with choreography. Nonetheless, you need to talk to him. He goes to the viewing room above, Miss B is going to have a cow."

With a roll of my eyes, I drag myself over to the door. Unsure of what I'm going to say or how I'm going to react, I stand at the door and contemplate. Before I'm too deep in thought, Resa bumps into me and scoffs at me. Her scoff hasn't changed since second grade.

"Too intimidated to stay already?" Resa questions.

"For your information, I actually need to have a conversation with someone."

"Your boyfriend?"


She corrects herself, "Oh, I'm sorry, you two aren't on that level yet. You and Mr. Dreamy Front Desk Worker are just sleeping together. That sure is one way to get a principle role in the September Showcase."

At this point, everyone is gathered around us. As tall as Forrest is, I can't pick him out of the crowd. Where is he? Everyone is on Resa's side. How dare they all think that what I have with Justin is only to advance me with my ballet career.

"First of all, I am not sleeping with him. Justin and I haven't even determined if we are dating or not. I am on the same playing level of earning that principle role as you all are. Miss B is above favoritism and plus Justin won't be on the panel of deciding the principle roles. After all, he is just the front desk worker."

A girl with dark hair chimes in, "A dreamy one at that." The other girls and a few guys agree with her.

The crowd is now half-and-half. The half on Resa's side is only there because they're expecting her to earn the principle female role and they want to be in her good graces. Kiss ups. Resa just stands there, arms crossed and anticipating for me to say something.

"Now, if you excuse me, I need to go talk to Clay," I force his name out of my mouth. Some of the girls squeal at his name, especially the one who I handed the flowers over to.

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