Doctor Who: The Child Of Bloody Mary (Halloween Special)- The End

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The Doctor looked down at the Console buttons. His heart felt heavy and his body felt tired. "Doctor." Amy came up from behind him and touched his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault."

The Doctor didn't agree, instead he just looked up, gave Amy a smile then said "How about we go find some sweets to to rot our teeth?"

Rory then walked down the steps. "I could go for that!"

"Fine, how about I take you to the most famous candy shop in the entire galaxy! I'm sure you'll like it just as much as she did!"

Amy and Rory gave the Doctor a puzzled look. "Who?"

The Doctor stopped all of a sudden and tried to think. "I don't know why I said that....weird like you feel something but you don't remember it..." He stared at nothing for a few seconds a sad look on his face. "Oh well! Did we say something about candy?" He pushed down on the yellow lever and the TARDIS began to zip off into space.

But somehow the Doctor would never forget, forget the troubled time when he met Bloody Mary's daughter. And if you ever get the courage then go ahead and try. Go in front of a mirror on a dark stormy night, turn off all the lights, and say her name just three times. Then maybe you'll see the weeping dead queen and right next to her will be the not quite human demon child.

After could just be a story, but .......

......................... aren't we all?


Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

Whoa its Christmas all ready?!

So this took a while to finish. Sorry bout that, the holidays were crazier then I thought they would be! So a few things I would like to point out....

1- Are you a Torchwood fan? Seen all the episodes? Then you'll recognize the girl at the beginning. She was a fortune teller that Jack met. We never got to really know her past so I made one up!

2- Simon Renard is a real guy! Or was....he didn't actually die like that....i don't think. But I do know he was a friend of Mary's for quite awhile.

3- Mary did not have any children (if u didn't know) but she wanted one dearly so I used that to make the story.

4- The end part where Elizabeth swears to kill the Doctor....remember Shakespeare Code? Yeah she tried to have his head cut off!

5- At the very end the Doctor said "I'm sure you'll like it just as much as she did" Yeah that comes in with my other stories. Can u guess who she is?

Also I have a little thing 4 u guys. I ask a question. You answer, I like the answer or its correct and I will dedicate my next story chapter 2 u!

DW Question: What do you think the eleventh doctor could make "cool" that's not actually that cool?

Example: Fez, bowtie, Stetson.

Doctor Who: The Child Of Bloody Mary (Halloween Special)Where stories live. Discover now