Doctor Who: The Child Of Bloody Mary (Halloween Special)- Chapter 4

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The Child of Bloody Mary: Chapter 4

“We weren’t sure if the baby would even come. This was her second pregnancy and the last one had been a false. But the queen was quite sure she was pregnant.” The Doctor, Amy, and Rory surrounded Renard as he slid back into the corner.

“And she was right.” The Doctor stared at a distant wall as if he was picturing it all in his mind.

“Yes, unfortunately she was. The baby was born. A beautiful girl with big brown eyes and red curly hair…but there was darkness in her.  I don’t know how…perhaps if God can have a child without leaving heaven so can the Devil.”

“What happened after she was born?”

“She ate just like every child.” Renard laughed and again they saw how the traumatic experience had taken his sanity. “She ate everything she could get her hands on.  I ran of course. Ran and ran and ran until I was safe in my barn but then…”

“The witches came?” Rory let out a shaky breath.

“Yes they came-”

Renard was cut off by the sound of Amelia Pond’s scream. Everyone turned to see her with a horrified expression and scared eyes that were staring at her arm.

“Amy what’s wrong?” The Doctor ran to her.

“Look…at… my arm.” They all looked down and saw what had caused her to be so terrified. A patch of skin that used to be soft and white was now brown and wrinkled. “What’s happening?”

“The curse!” Renard spit out. “I told you to go!”

The barn started to shake and somehow melt. The ground under them bubbled and now a dark shadow covered the land. Rory looked down to see his own skin was also starting to turn color.

“I can stop it!” The Doctor yelled over the loud rumbling. “I just need to know what’s causing it! There has to be some devise around here!”

They ran out of the barn while Renard limped behind and looked around. The whole farm was rotting and falling apart. “There!” Amy screamed.

On top of the barn stood a tall lightning pole that was buzzing with light. Around it was a whirlwind of dirt and debris. “Doctor how do we stop it?” Amy asked. Her hair was now turning black and oily.” The Doctor on the other hand was not being affected by any of this.

“Me!” He smiled at them and they saw a small glint in his eye.

Then the Doctor ran to a tall tree that stood next to the barn and began to climb. He got to the top and was able to jump onto the roof of the barn. The wind pushed him back but he managed to grab onto the lightning rod and....

“Ahhhhhh!” The Doctor screamed as electricity filled his body and then cycled around the area.

When it all stopped the Doctor slid to his knees and closed his eyes. Meanwhile the curse was reversing. Everything began to return to normal, the fields were filled with green plants while the barn was full of with moo’s and neighs.

“Meow.” Amy looked down at a black and white cat that purred and circled her feet. Rory looked at his reflection on the side of a wheel barrow to see he was no longer old and saggy.

The Doctor climbed back down to the ground and smiled at them. “I wasn’t affected cause I don’t have a time really. I come from all over and you guys weren’t affected right when we stepped on this land cause your from a different time period. Took a while to find you. When I got zapped it back fired the whole process causing a bunch of zig zams and wattly doodles! And yes, those are technical words.”

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