Doctor Who: The Child Of Bloody Mary (Halloween Special): Chapter 2

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 “Doctor! Doctor where are we going?!”Amy yelled again. The Doctor was busy pushing buttons rapidly on the TARDIS console. He had forced Amy and Rory to run back to the TARDIS as fast as possible. And again he was acting rapidly without explaining why.

“The psychic signal that led me here, I thought it came from her but no…it was just bouncing around like a four year old on coffee.” The Doctor typed in the coordinates and ran over to the big yellow lever.

“Doctor where are we going?” Amy grabbed onto the TARDIS console and prepared herself for what was about to happen.

The Doctor looked at them, “We’re going back to England 1558.”

“Why what’s there?” Rory asked.

“If we’re lucky…nothing. But most likely it’ll be something terrifying that’s not only threatening history but the existence of the human race.” He gave a small smile after rushing the words out of his mouth. “Geronimo.” He pulled the lever back and quickly grabbed onto the console.

The TARDIS spun and rocked vigorously while making its traditional moaning sound. When it did finally stop the Doctor looked from the door to Amy and Rory. “Well don’t just stand there! Go and change you look ridicules!”


London, England: Novemeber 16 1558

The TARDIS doors squeaked open and the Doctor slowly stepped out. He studied his surroundings.  He could tell he was in some kind of ally by the dim lighting and closed in space between the two buildings.

The Doctor moved to allow room for Amy and Rory to step through. “Ew, what smells?” Rory asked.

“Yeah it smells like something died?” Amy waved her hand in front of her nose.

The Doctor stepped out of the ally and looked at the city. It was already pretty late with the sun just going down and the people retiring to their homes. The lamps were lit and the air chill. “Sewage.” He pointed to the small creak of bodily fluids running down the side of the small street. “And something did probably die with the plague and all.”

“Plague? Great, just great we arrive at the time of plague.” Amy sighed.

“That…and maybe something else…” The Doctor pointed at two men carrying a wooden plank. On the plank was an object covered in cloth. A pale young arm dangled off the side. A big bite mark was taken out of the flesh.

Neither Amy nor Rory had time to ask questions, the Doctor was already darting down the narrow street. The Doctor opened a door and walked into a small tavern named “The Dusty Mirror”.

Even though outside the air was cold and mood dark, inside the tavern was full of energy. Men and women laughed and sang, people drank and played cards, and if there were any children they were surely hiding under the table looking for stray items to fall into their grasps.

The Doctor immediately smiled at the atmosphere. It was nice to see joy in such a dark time. He walked toward the bar and sat down on the stool. Amy and Rory walked over as well and sat on stools on each of his sides.

“What can I do for you?” The bartender was a tall man with black greasy hair and green eyes. He looked to be in his late forties or so.

“Well, I don’t drink. I’m not very hungry at the moment. And I’m not much for gambling.” The bartender just looked at the Doctor. What was he trying to say? “But what I do want is some knowledge. Always time for knowledge! Can never get enough! So, tell me…” The Doctor hushed his voice and leaned in. “What’s killing people?”

Doctor Who: The Child Of Bloody Mary (Halloween Special)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang