chapter thirty ♪

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"Luke, what do you mean you're in danger?" Anastasia asked, pacing the room.

"We were performing at the concert," Luke muttered. "Then, before I knew it, someone started shooting. So, I ran, now I'm hiding backstage."

"And you decided to call me? Why didn't you call the police?!" Anastasia shrieked, and then remembered that she was supposed to be whispering, "I mean... why didn't you call the police?"

"I... I don't know," Luke replied, honestly. "I thought it was a good idea to call you so that we could get our asses saved and fix our relationship with you all."

"Wow, Luke... Well, anyways, this is serious. Are you sure that they don't hear you now?!"

"I don't know... but I'm still alive, so that's a good sign."

Anastasia sighed. "So what the hell do you want me to do?"

"I want you to call the police for me, please."

"Okay," Anastasia said. "I'll call you back when I'm done, and if you don't reply, I'm calling them again."

"Seems fair enough," Luke replied, and lowered his voice while he gave her the address in an attempt for the gunmen not to hear him on the phone. She wrote it on the back of her hand in Sharpie because she couldn't find a piece paper. Then she told Luke to sit tight, hung up the phone, and quickly dialed 911, her hands shaking while doing so.

"911, what is your emergency?" the woman on the other end asked. Anastasia's heart was pounding out of her chest. It wasn't her first 911 call, but it was the first time she was calling to a real emergency.

" name is Anastasia, and, there's a concert, and there...there's a shooter," Anastasia mumbled, then realized she was being too vague. "There's millions of concerts, Anastasia! How in the world is she supposed to know where exactly you're talking about? You should've been more detailed! Now the police is going to go to the wrong concert and Luke and the rest of 5SOS are going to die!", she mentally scolded herself as she awaited the dispatcher's response.

"Okay, well, can you give me more information?" She asked after a couple minutes. Anastasia desperately wondered how she could be so calm in a situation like this.

"" She turned her hand over to look at the address Luke had told to her, then recited the address as best as she could. Luckily for her, the woman understood.

"Okay, okay, great! We're one step closer to resolving the problem... And what did you say happened, ma'am?"

"There's a sh...shooter."

"Okay, okay.... Um, are you at the concert yourself?"

", actually, friend's there, and they called me."

"Okay, can you give me your friend's name, please?"


"Does he have a last name?" The woman chuckled.

This drove Anastasia over the edge. "Can you just send someone to the concert, please? Like, damn! I don't have all day to be answering questions, and neither does Luke! Do you want my friend to get shot and killed?"

"Luke will be fine, ma'am."

"And what if he isn't?" Anastasia demanded.

"The cops are on their way. We just wanted to gather some information on who was there so that they can look for them when they get there."

"Well...okay...," Anastasia says, trying to calm herself down for the sake of the band. "There's a...actually 3 other guys, too... Calum, Ashton, and Michael. You should look for them, too."

"Okay, thank you. Now, I'm going to ask you to stay on the ph-"

Even though she wasn't supposed to, Anastasia hung up the phone, and called Luke back immediately, her hands damp with sweat. "Luke? Luke, are you okay?" Anastasia asked, panicking.

"Yes, I'm here," Luke said after a while. Even though he was in the danger of possibly being killed, he sounded so calm.

"That's great. Okay, so, the cops are on their way, so you should be safe. Just don't make any noises or move. I trust that your hiding spot is a pretty good one if they haven't found you yet."

"Yeah, I'm hiding in a closet."

"...Okay," Anastasia murmured. "Um, I'll call you back. I need to go call everyone else and tell them what's happening."

"Do you think they'll actually care?"

"Of course they will!" Anastasia cried.

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