Chapter 35: Stubborness

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Mitch's POV

I watch Scott's eyes glaze over. I know that means that he is mind-linking to Kevin now. He's staring off in the distance while having a conversation in his mind with Kevin.

"Shit." Scott says, his eyes clear now as he looks at me.

His eyes glaze over again as he mind links again. This time it's a message to the whole pack though so I hear it too.

'Rogues have broken in our territory, they are heading towards the village now. Everybody not capable of fighting, hide in your basement. Everybody capable of fighting to the main square.'

"Rogues? Are they attacking? Is it Tom and a other rogues?" I ask all at once. I get anxious, my breathing picking up.

Scott looks at me. "Yes, to all of those questions."

"Shit." I look down at the ground. Tom. He's attacking the pack. People could die. If I wasn't in this pack, he would've never attacked. I brought him here to this pack, to those innocent people. "Just give me to him. I don't want him killing innocent people. He's only here for me."

Scott grips my shoulders tightly. "Are you crazy?! Of course I won't! Besides he's not only here for you, we killed some of his buddies when we were saving you. We are going to beat them." He grabs me in a quick hug.

"Are you sure?" I say, looking up at him unsurely.

"Yes. Positive. Now go to the basement." He grabs my arm to lead me to the basement, but doesn't come very far.

"No! I wanna fight!" I rip my arm out of his grip.

His eyes widen. "No, you're not." He says sternly. "You are no where near ready for a fight like this. Your back isn't even fully recovered. You are not fighting and that's final." He grabs my arm again, practically dragging me to the basement.

I look down at my feet. He's right. I'm not a good fighter. I would only walk in people's way. Tears cloud my vision. What kind of Luna am I? I'm letting my pack fight my battle.

The basement has a code lock on it. You can only open from the outside if you know the code. You can always open it from the inside though.

Scott looks down at me, letting me go. He wipes away the tears. "I'm sorry honey." He kisses my forehead. "I'm coming to get you when it's all over, okay?"

I close my eyes, leaning into his touch. "What if you don't return?" It is a possibility. He could be killed.

"I will honey. I'm not dying before I'm at least 80." He says it jokingly, but I can't be cheered up. My mate's last day is possibly here. And he's going to spend it without me. "I have to go now." He gives me one last kiss on my lips before he runs out of the basement, leaving me alone.

What now? I just wait? Wait until he comes to get me. What if someone else comes and tells me something horrible happened to Scott? What would I do then?

I walk in circles around in the room. It's not big. Just big enough to pace in. It's almost empty, just a few boxes are standing in a corner.

I try to mind-link Scott, but he closed himself off. He pulled up his barriers. I try Kevin after that. Also barriers. Avi and Jeremy the same. I try everyone I know. Even Kirstie is out there, fighting. If Kirstie can do it, I can too right?

Who am I to just let these people fight for me? What are we going to tell their children when their dad doesn't come home today?

I feel terrible. I can't let that happen. The least I can do is fight. At least I'll be able to say that I did everything I could.

What would happen if they win? They would take the village and everyone in it. Probably kill Scott and throw Kevin in our own cells. It would be horrible. I lived with them, I know what they are like. I'm not going to let that happen.

I'm going to fight. Fight for me, for Scott, for my pack.

I walk out of the basement, up the stairs to the living room. I look at the clock, it's 3:37. I think it was around three when I went in the basement. That means that the battle has definitely already started.

I run out of the house to the main square.

Wolves are fighting everywhere. Some of them are already injured, blood dripping out of their wounds.

What did I get myself into? I'm not sure if I can handle this. These wolves have years of experience in fighting. They can kill me in a heartbeat.

A familiar blonde wolf comes running towards me. He shifts back in his human and immediately starts yelling at me. "Mitch! Go back to the basement! Now!" He grabs my shoulders pushing me back in the direction of our house.

I stand my ground, "No!" We step away from the fight in the forest, but not too far away, we can still see the wolves fighting.

"I don't have time for this Mitch, you are going back. That's an order from your alpha!" Scott practically yells in my face.

"You can't order me around. I'm your luna, we are equal remember."

He makes a move to grab me but I sprint away, shifting in my wolf. I know his wolf is faster, so I do the one thing I know he can't beat me in. I climb into a tree. It's the tree the nearest to the main square so I can see the fight perfectly. I think I'm the only werewolf on this planet that can climb into trees. I know I'm not supposed to be able to do that, but I've always had long nails and I practised a lot.

Scott shifts back, "What the hell, Mitch. Come out, you're going back." I can hear the defeat in his voice. He knows that I won't and he can't force me.

I stay in the tree and shake my head no. I watch him walk away after that, he has duties and he knows it. Just like me. I have duties too. I have to help defend the pack.

There are a few trees on the main square so if it gets too heavy I can just climb in a tree. I can also do some surprise attacks from trees. Nobody will expect me to come jumping out of a tree on someone's back.

The only way I can actually win fights is with my speed and the surprise. Maybe if one of my pack members is losing a fight against a rogue I can bite him in the leg to distract the rogue so my pack member can finish him. That will work.

I come out of the tree, walking to the fight. Here we go.

Scott, my alpha (scomiche) AUWhere stories live. Discover now