Chapter 34: Shower

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Smut warninggg, it's from the moment they step in the shower. You can still read the first half of the chapter if you don't like smut

Mitch's POV

We got home and went to bed immediately. Scott cuddling up to my back.

"Goodnight, Mitchie." Scott says, kissing the back of my neck.

"Goodnight, Scottie." I whisper sleepily. I close my eyes and let sleep take me away to dreamland.

I groan when I wake up. It's hot here. I'm under 5 million pounds of blanket and Scott is holding onto me like his life depends on it. He pushed all the blankets off himself and on me.

I try to get out of his arms but he is too strong. His grip only tightens when I try to get out.

"Scottie!" I whine. I am sweating too much here and I hate sweating. It's gross.

Scott groans in his sleep and turns over, bringing me on top of him. Which is a rarity for me. His grip is still too strong for me to get out of.

"Scott!" I say a little louder.

Finally, he blinks a few times and opens his eyes. "What?" He asks.

"Let me go! I'm hot." I say, slapping the arm that is around my back.

"That you are." He says smirking. I give him a quick kiss, before he finally lets me go.

I go into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I put on some clothes and then meet Scott downstairs.

We eat a quick breakfast, after that we have training. I'm getting better and better at fighting. I can actually beat the 12 year-olds now.

I am assigned to fight a 16 year-old now. It's a buff guy, very tall and muscly for a 16 year-old. How am I going to beat him?

"Use your speed and height to your advantage." Scott whispers in my ear when he passes by.

How can I use my height to my advantage? I'm small! My wolf is even smaller than my human form.

I don't have more time to think because the guy is already running to me in full speed, which is not that fast. So he is probably strong, but slow. I jump out of the way just in time.

We keep doing that, him coming at me in his full speed and me jumping out of the way at the last moment. I see him getting tired while I'm not even out of breath. I think I understand what Scott said now. If I can just tire him out, I only have to do one attack and he'll be out. He'll be too tired to react on time.

I notice him getting out of breath more and more. He slows down, his attacks getting easier to dodge.

At the last attack he is really slow and tired, he hardly even tries anymore. I dodge him, then run around him getting on his other side, before jumping on him. He falls over on his side. I put my canines on his neck, but not hard enough to break the skin.

I won.

Scott comes to me, "Good job, Mitch. You're learning." He pets my fur. "I'm proud of you." I lean in his touch.

After I've shifted, we walk home together.

"Do you want to take a shower with me?" I don't mean anything sexual, I just like it when people wash my hair.

"I'm tired, Mitchie." Scott says, while looking down at me.

I pout at him. "We don't have to do anything. I just want you to wash my hair. You know I like that." I stick out my bottom lip. "Please?"

He leans down to softly kiss my lips. "Okay, but just washing hair. I need to rest."

I drag him with me to the bathroom. I love taking showers in general. Taking showers with Scott is even better.

We step under the stream together. I turn around so my back is facing him front. He puts the shampoo in my hair, massaging my scalp. I moan out loud. This is so good.

"Don't do that." Scott chuckles. "Don't make those sounds."

I laugh at him turning around to face him. "Is it turning you on?" I say seductively.

Scott groans lowly, looking down at himself. "Look what you did." He says, gesturing to his cock. I look down at him. He is already half hard. "We are not having sex in a shower." He says sternly.

I pout at him again. "Why not? It seems fun."

Scott looks very conflicted. "But what about lube? And a condom?"

I grin at him. I know I can win this one. "We have lots of water that'll do as lube. And condom? I'm clean. You're clean too, right?"

He turns me around roughly. Pushing me against the shower wall. "I think that means yes."

Scott doesn't hesitate at all, he just immediately puts a finger in my ass. I moan very loudly. He follows that one finger up with a second one. "Are you okay?" He asks. I can hear he is impatient.

"Yes, continue please." I'm panting already. He finally puts the third one in, giving me a little time to adjust.

He pulls them out again, leaving me empty. The shower is still running, little water drops all over our bodies. I'm painfully hard, my cock already leaking.

He lines himself up at my hole, the tip teasing me. "Just put it in!" I yell out in frustration.

"As you wish." He says before going halfway in at once. It does not feel very pleasant in the beginning. It doesn't hurt that much, luckily. The water is helping.

He stays there for a while without moving, letting me get used to his cock inside of me.

"Go." I say, when it does not feel uncomfortable anymore.

He pushes in the rest of the way, sinking entirely in my ass. I need time to adjust again, but not very long this time.

He slowly starts pulling out, but not all the way. He goes so slow, it's killing me. "Faster."

He goes in faster now, but still not hitting my spot.

He picks up his pace, going faster and faster. He can't control himself anymore, I can feel it. He just lets loose. He finally hits my spot, making me moan very loudly. "Yessss, there." He hits my spot again and again, making my climax approach faster and faster.

I know he is close too. He is desperately pounding into me. Water is splashing all around us. I have to brace myself against the wall, afraid I might fall if I don't. The power behind his thrusts has me almost falling over.

Finally I release against the wall and my chest. He goes right with me filling me up. We both stay like this for a while, catching our breaths.

"That was amazing." Scott says. I can't agree more. He pulls out of me and gets out of the shower, grabbing towels.

"Lets get dry now, we still have to eat lunch." He dries me off and then dries himself off.

I can feel someone trying to get in my head. I closed my mind off to everyone when we were having sex but I can feel now that someone is trying to reach me.

I open my mind and immediately Kevin's voice sounds in my mind.

'Mitch finally, get Scott to open his mind, we have a problem.'

Way to ruin the moment Kevin.

This book is coming to an end soo- i mean somewhere in the near future. I don't know how many chaps but it won't be more than 5.

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