Maybe i could swim into your thoughts

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(A/N) - I apologize for the long wait, for anyone who's still actually reading this. And id just like to thank the people that have been patient (: most of my chapters are pretty short but this one will be way longer since you've waited so long.
Also, I'd like to remind you that this is my first story I've ever written and I'm telling you this because someone had mentioned a few of my mistakes, and I understand, but I'm trying xp
Andddd this writing style is going to be slightly different because I feel like this needs a bit of change -.- anyways, I'll try to update sooner if I can. Ly. <3

- Vic's POV

I knew from the start this ride was going to be extremely long, but I feel like it'll be worth it.
Natalie's asleep, Gracie's asleep, Mike and Jaime are on their phones and Tony's driving.

The ride is supposed to be around 3 hours long so I brought my ear plugs and an iPod to keep myself occupied.

By this time, we've been in the car for an 1hr and 30 min so we decided to wake up the girls and get something to eat.

"Gracie, Natalie wake up" I whispered while gently pushing them.

"I'm trying to sleeeepp" Natalie mumbled.

"Fine. We were going to get some food but I guess you don't want anything to eat so..."

"FOOD?" they jumped up and ran out of the car.
I kind of figured they would wake up if they heard the word "food". I quietly laughed to myself. We stopped by McDonald's since it was the cheapest, closest restaurant around. Of course, it was packed, which caused Tony to become anxious. So we ordered quickly.

Once we ordered our food, we took it to the car to eat since Tony doesn't like being in large groups of people. When we finished with our food it was about 10:30 am.
So we decided to get back on the road.

*Time skip to water park*

As soon as we parked the car, the girls ran to the door along with Jaime, he was like a four year old. This water park was pretty big and pretty expensive, but we didn't mind.
Tony, Mike, and I eventually caught up with Jaime and the girls.
We payed for our tickets and entered the park.

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