Left alone

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*a few hours later*

(Vics POV)

I was still laying in bed. I was hurting all over. My back was bruised, my face was scratched up, I just didn't feel motivated to do anything. I heard talking downstairs. So I guess everyone else was awake. I decided to stay in my room for a while. I can't go down there like this.

(Jamie's POV)

"Gracie" I asked.
"What's up with Vic?"
"I don't know. I was wondering the same"
"Alright, I'll be back" he's usually up by now. He's usually always the first person up. Something was wrong. And as his bestfriend, it was my job to figure out what it was.

(Vics POV)

I heard someone coming up the stairs.
God. I just want to be left alone.

"Vic?" I heard a knock

"Come in" I sighed.

"Hey what's up its like 3:00 in the afternoon why aren't you awake?"

"I'm just not feeling it today"

"Not feeling what?"


He frowned and started walking away. This was all my fault. I can never do anything right.
"If you need anything you know where to find me"
And he walked. I cried into my pillow and fell asleep.

(Jamie's POV)

I wonder what's wrong with Vic. He's not himself lately. I walked out of his room and went back downstairs.

"so what's up with dad?" Natalie asked, worried.
"Oh uh he's um. Tired."
"okay, I'll be back I'm gonna go to the park for a little"
"Alright have fun, call me when you get there"
I didn't want her to worry about him or anything so I told her he's tired.
After all, that was the easiest way to explain absolutely nothing.
Then Mike spoke.

"but Jaime, it's late in the day, Vic is usually up early.. Like 7:00"

"Yeah well he's not feeling good just do whatever you do, damn"

"that's my brother.I'm aloud to be concerned."

"He's alright. God."

I realized I was being an asshole. I didn't mean to. I'm just so frustrated with Vic.

"k you don't have to be a bitch about it, I'm just worried about him."

"Look bro, I'm sorry. I'm worried too. For some reason it's really concerning me.. Like he's barely talking, he won't eat, he won't come downstairs, nothing. He's not himself .. At all."

"maybe he just needs a drink. I'll be back"

He got up and went over to the fridge, he opened it and grabbed two beers.
He walked upstairs and into Vics room.

(Mikes POV)

Vic was acting strange so I'm guessing he needed a drink. I walked upstairs and threw a beer on his bed.

"Bro are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he sighed.

"Look, I'm your brother, you have a kid downstairs, and a kid at the park worried sick about you, we can't help unless you tell us what's wrong"

"It's all my fault"

"What is??"

"If it weren't for me breaking up with Isabelle, Jaime, Gracie, and Natalie would've never had to fight for me. I'm a faggot, I couldn't stand up for myself so I needed one of my best friends, and my kids to do it.
It's not fair to them. Now they're worried about me and It's all my fault, I'm a bitch and I can't face my own battles.."

"Vic!!. It's not your fault bro! They're not hurt , they're fine. They were just concerned because you have been up here all day with no food, nothing!

We love you Vic and we can't stand seeing you this way. Please come down stairs."

There was a pause. An awkward silence. Then he finally said something.

"...okay.. I'll come down"

"Thanks bro I love you, we love you, don't let your mind or anyone tell you different"

"alright.. Give me a few I'll be down "


I left.

(Vics POV)

I still feel guilty for hurting my everyone.. But apparently they're alright so that calmed down a little. Mike talked to me for a bit, I'm feeling slightly better, knowing that everyone is okay. I got in the shower and got dressed. I came downstairs and noticed everyone was staring at me.
I didn't see Natalie so I guess she's still at the park.


Gracie jumped on me and hugged me tight
"Ouch." I flinched a little

"Oh dad I'm so sorry I love you so much"

"I love you too beautiful"

"What's wrong daddy? You look sad" she frowned.

"Honey it's okay I'll be okay. Don't worry about me"

"Okay, hugs!!!"

She hugged me closely, but softly.
It was nice, you know.. Feeling loved. A feeling I know too little about.

(Gracie's POV)

I saw dad coming down the steps


I guess I was hugging too tight because I felt him flinch.

"Oh dad I'm so sorry I love you so much"

"I love you too beautiful"

"What's wrong daddy? You look sad" I asked.

"Honey it's okay I'll be okay. Don't worry about me"

I hugged him softly. I loved my dad. I didn't like seeing him this way.

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