An unexpected message...

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(Gracie's POV)

I woke up and looked at the alarm clock. It was 10:43 am. I looked down to see a very sleepy Jaime laying on my stomach. He fell asleep on me so I gently pushed him off of me and made my way into the kitchen. I'm not usually hungry In the morning so I picked up an apple and sat on the couch.
I began feeling very annoyed beings that I'm the only other person awake so I grabbed my phone and put on some music loud enough to wake up everyone else.

Eventually they all got up, and vic reminded us that last night mama and papa said they were going on a business trip to New York.

they said they were going to be gone for a while So we basically had the decision of either staying in Vics parents house or going back home. There wasn't much to do here so we packed up our things and headed out the door.

After what seemed like forever, we ended up in the driveway of our home. It was nice last night. I got to meet dads parents. They were pretty cool. Better than I thought they would be.


(Vics POV)

We got home and everyone ran upstairs to play video games. Besides Gracie and I. We didn't really enjoy all the yelling and fighting over who gets to play next.
So Gracie grabbed a small blanket and asked if I wanted to watch a movie with her. I agreed and snuggled up next to Gracie. I missed when we would lay next to each other and watch tv. You know, father and daughter time.

(Gracies POV)

Vic pulled me close to him and snuggled with me. I remember when we used to watch scary movies together and eat junk food and just laugh about stupid things.. Now we're always worried. Worried about someone. Or something. Why can't we just be like everyone else and be normal? I mean. We're normal, there's just one problem. Isabelle.
We all know she wasn't done. We knew she would come back. But as long as we had each other we were going to be okay.. I hope.

But what's up with Vic? He's been acting strange all month and all of a sudden, today he was laying next to me for the first time in forever and actually seemed... Okay. He was smiling and laughing and seemed so happy. I don't know what this was but I hope it never goes away.

I got a text message from someone I haven't heard from in months...

It was Stella.

"Hey Gracie. How have you been? Are you having fun with your new dad? I had to get a new phone, that's why I haven't been able to get in contact with you. Wanna hang out sometime this week?"

I kind of.. Paused. I wasn't expecting to hear from her so I was a little shocked. But of course I replied.

"Uh yeah sure how about Friday?"

"Yeah sounds great!"

I'm so excited. I get to see my bestfriend (: it's been forever, really.

(Jaimes POV)

Tony screamed
and Natalie jumped on him and managed to steal the controller out of Tony's hands. I chucked. They were so rough. Like brother and sister, fighting over games.

They began wrestling and Mike & I were sitting here wondering what to do. It got annoying after a while so
We shrugged our shoulders and ran downstairs.

As I walked down the steps I saw Vic and Gracie cuddling.
Awhh father daughter time!

I'm cuddling with Mike cause he's always really warm. Things have been stressful for us lately and we can't exactly place our finger on what the problem is. But today seems alright. We are all sitting on the couch, snuggling, watching spongebob.
Everything was quiet, except for the small giggles that were escaping from Vics Mouth every now and then. We were surprised to see him smiling and laughing. It wasn't something we'd seen in a while. At Least months.

I can totally get used to this. I loved it. It was absolutely amazing.

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