"Can you make me forget?" I asked quietly. She stared at me, like I was a ghost. She looked even more drunk than I am.

"Can you change me?" She asked, even more quiet than me. We both knew the answers to our questions, but that didn't stop us from getting a hotel room and, indeed, making each other forget.



Kian got out of the shower, still feeling dirty. Not only from last night, but from the guilt and sadness that seemed to cover him, like dirt. Grimy and unsatisfying.

He and Jc bought another apartment, but it was empty and hadn't been entered since they bought it two weeks ago.

Kian decided that today was as good as any other day to actually enter his new home. He gathered his suitcase, the only items he owned, and drove to his apartment, wondering if Jc was there, or if he'd been MIA, too.


He walked down the long hallway to the door that belonged to him and Jc. He opened it, and bit back a sneeze at the amount of dust that flew at his face. The apartment had been vacant before they bought it, so it's been empty for who knows how long?

He walked to his room, his shoes clicking on the floor and echoing off of the walls. He shuddered. How could this place be considered a home? He wondered if it would ever feel like one.

He entered the room he considered "his", and dropped his suitcase. Looking around, he found a mop someone must've left behind, so he wetted it in the sink and got to work on the dusty, dirty floors. After that was done, he used an old shirt to wipe the dust off of the counters in the kitchen, and evaluated the apartment once more.

"It's cleaner," he thought, "but it definitely needs furniture."

It was only the morning, so he decided to buy some furniture for the living room and his room.

"I should probably find Jc.." He thought sadly, wondering where in the world the adventurous boy was now.

"Bye Hazel! I'll take you out when I get back!" He promised, before leaving to shop. And it wasn't until he was halfway to the store when he realized what he'd said.



I am disgusting.

Jc must've showered eight times, but he still felt like a disgusting wreck. Like a whore.

The curly haired boy glanced at the girl with the pixie cut, who was soundly sleeping in his bed. Well not his bed, the hotel's.

"I don't own a bed." He thought grimly, changing his shirt and packing up his stuff into a suitcase.

He was sick of drinking. He was sick of forgetting and sick of getting laid. At least, doing it without feelings involved. Without a purpose. He felt gross and useless, and he wanted to change. But most of all, he wanted to go home. He wanted to go home to Wishbone, and Kiggers, and even destructive Hazel.

He finally packed everything up and left the hotel, after leaving a note for the girl still sleeping in his bed.

He drive quietly to the apartment he and Kian lazily agreed on a little over two weeks ago, hoping that their grief didn't lead them to buy a shitty house. Apartment*

Permanent Marker, Stuck In My Head, A Collection of Jian StoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin