Chapter 11

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Hey lovelies, here's the update! There will be another after this as well! So I really hope you enjoy it.. Please let me know what you think! Thanks

*Third person's POV*

The wolf had left in a fast hast angry and feeling betrayed. He ran faster the image of her beaten and nearly dead soulmate was heart-breaking. The pain in her eyes as she gazed at Brad's injuries was burned into his brain. Her words on repeat and although the wolf had no part in this, he understood. He completely understood the way she must have been feeling at seeing someone she loved and admired beaten in such way. He knew he would feel the same, knew he would react the same or worse. He knew he would kill anyone who dared to harm his mate. Without remorse or guilt. He also knew Maddie wasn't able to do that, she wasn't strong enough to fight a wolf, let alone the five who done the beating. He would deal with this in the harshest way possible. He was completely honest when he had told his two wolves that Maddie meant so much more to him than they did. However, He had also known his pack for many years, they were like family and Liam. Liam was a very close friend to him.

He arrived at the edge of his pack area, panting and huffing. He was unsure on how to deal with this when he was feeling such anger course through him. He continued on his was towards where he could see some of his pack gathering for dinner time. He lets out a loud roaring growl. The wolves stood around froze at the growl and turned towards him. He immediately saw the four worst offending wolves and the fifth tenderly walked towards him.

'Everyone other then the five I want here leave' The mind link is sent to all wolves except the five. The five stand still watching as every other wolf leaves them.

'Go inside Louis' He growls his eyes turning darker

'Harry please-'

'GO INSIDE LOUIS' His alpha tone comes shining through. He watches apologetically as his mate shivers and shrinks back, scampering inside. He had never used his alpha voice on his mate. He had vowed not to. He knew what it done to him, the added anger, the timber that was laced with his tone. He knew and still used it. He regrets it, wants to go and beg for forgiveness because he can feel the fear running through his mate. He shakes his head looking back to the four wolves stood in front of him. The four that betrayed his word.

'Change' he says calmly, finally calm enough to think straight. He knows its because of what had happened with his mate but he chooses to forget that for the moment. The four wolves stand in front of him. All looking at the ground except one. One who stands proudly and almost smirking.

The wolf to changes form to stand taller and prouder in front of them. He knew his height was an advantage to intimidate them. He stares for a few moments, thinking of what to say first.

'What have my lovely second in commands been doing today?' The wolf's voice is calm and husky

'o-oh er no-nothing Alpha. Er we-went for a er run' The wolf now stood tall cocks his head before chuckling.

'Niall, do you think I am stupid?'

'Er no Alpha'

'How about you Zayn?' He watches as the man shakes his head repeating Niall's earlier words

He continues with the other two men asking and getting the same response. He hums 'So why the fuck do you think I wouldn't know what you did today? Why do you think I wouldn't know that you attacked someone for no reason? Leaving them half dead. Why do you think I wouldn't know that the girl who is under our protection had a mate turn up beaten?' His voice is loud, growls lacing in with every word. He doesn't miss how Zayn, Niall and Liam's eyes all widen in confusion and shock. Their eyes flickering to Kyle.

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