Chapter 19: Just hold on We're going home

Start from the beginning

She opens her beautiful eyes and looks at me. I saw the look relief in her eyes . "I'm so sorry Mae...I'm so sorry.." I cry while holding on to her.

"It's you're here now." She says while having dificulty speaking. "I really would like some...water." I sigh and smile on her neck.

"Of course right away my princess." I look at her and put some hair behind her ear. She smiled and scoffed.

We give her some water, as soon as she chugged the water she sat up and tried to get up but she was really weak so I picked her up princess style, she gasped and hit me, I was just admiring the fact that I have the most beautiful person ever right in my arms.

I told the team of guys that we were ready to exit the building but as soon as we were getting to the stairs more bodyguards with guns came. "Are you kidding me?" I scoffed, Suddenly one of he guys shoots towards Mae but I dodged it instead it hit on of my men on the shoulder.

Everyone starts to shoot the bodyguard but I dash to the guy that was shot becuase I knew who he was, It was Mae's brother. "Are you ok?" He wasn't responding to me. "Give me the sign if you're alive!" I shout at him. Suddenly I see his middle finger at me with a shaky hand. I chuckle. "Jerk." I see mae where I left her and she has a face of shock and comes running.

"Is he ok? we need to take him to thw hospital! Now!" She frightened, I look at her and grab her chin to look at me. "Everything is going to be alright. Trust me." I give her a smile but a tear runs down her cheek so I just hug her. My troop tells me we're ready to go so I grab Mae's hand and run down the stairs once again.
We get out of he building and I'm finally able to see the police and an ambulance so we quickly transport Mae's brother to a medic. I see the king talking with the police and the bodyguards that are alive but arrested as well the Man who kidnapped Mae.

I look at Mae and she looks at me with gratitud and love, I wish she would always look at me like this. I cherish this moment and hug her with all my strength that's left in me and sob onto her shoulder. "I thought I lost you." A tear rolls down my face as she pats my back and chuckles. "You'll never lose me." she whispers and I smile and keep hugging her.

"As much as I hate to ruin the small reunion but I kind of want to see me daughter." I hear behind us. I quickly let go of Mae and clear my throat.

"Sorry I just-".

"I know." he says and pats me on the shoulder. "Thank you." He smiles at me then looks at Mae. She quickly hugs him and as does he. I decided to give them some space to talk so I go to check up on the ambulance. I jog to get there and suddenly hear strange noises.

"We got to get out of here, Now!"
"Sir the hospital is almost 2 hours away!?"
"Then we should hurry." an emergency medic says. I run to him and grab his arm.

"What's going on?" I ask and he looks at me with pity.

"He's losing a lot blood and his pulse is very weak we need to head to the nearest hospital." He says. "Are you his guardian? can you come with us?" he asks and I nod. We quickly get in the ambulance and I see Mae looking at me confused, she starts to walk towards us but they close the doors and we rush off before she's able to say or ask anything.

"Everything is going to be ok." I tell myself and look at Mae's brother. I close eyes and sigh. we'll be back before you know it Mae, just hold on...we're going home.


We got to the hospital and Mae's brother is fighting to live meanwhile I'm getting worried, He just had surgery. Apparently he had a bullet stuck near his ribcage and he could've died if it went any deeper. I'm pacing around outside his room, Mae hasn't got here, there's only royal guards and Mae's older sister sitting in the cafeteria.

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