"So Stacey said you wanted to hang out tonight?" I looked up at him.

"Uhh yeah, I thought we could go to the football game at your guys school?" He shuffled looking nervous.

"Sounds fun, when are we leaving?" And he honestly looked surprised that I agreed to go.

"Really? I mean- is fifteen minutes good?" He asked glancing at his watch.

"Yup sounds good." I smiled and he grinned right back.

"Okay um do you wanna borrow a jacket? It's gonna get cold." He asked nervously and I bit the inside of my cheek. He was seriously too cute, it was starting to mess with my head.

"Um yeah that'd be great." We headed up to his room. I glanced back and saw Jace and Stacey wiggling their eyebrows. I gave them a pointed look and continued up the stairs.

"Sorry it's a little messy." He said slightly embarrassed although I'm not sure why. The only thing "messy" about his room was the one shirt on his floor, everything else was super neat.

"Yeah 'messy'." I joked and sat on the edge of his bed while he went into his closet.

"So," I heard him start from inside the closet, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out, on like an actual date?" He asked still hiding and then he paused waiting for my answer.

I thought about it for a moment. I guess it couldn't hurt to go on a real date with the guy. "Yeah I'd like that." I answered and I heard him let out a whoosh of air he must have been holding in.

He walked out. "Great!" He smiled and handed me a hoodie. I slipped it on and then we headed back downstairs. Stacey and Jace were right where we left them, and still making out.

"So are you guys coming to the game or just gonna stay here and make out?" I joked and Jace pulled away from Stacey and stuck out his tongue at me.

"Come on I'll drive." Tristan said and grabbed my hand leading me to the garage.

Fifteen minutes later we were at the school and it was so crowded it took another ten to find a parking spot. Not even two minutes after we walked into the stadium I heard the highest pitched voiced in the entire world.

"Tristan!" I winced. Some blonde bimbo ran up and hugged him basically shoving me out of the way.

"Oh great, they're back." I heard Stacey groan and I raised an eyebrow. She motioned me over. 

"That's Jules and her minions. They were accepted into the pack about a year ago but were away for a few months at a private college in California. I didn't think they'd be back so soon." She whispered while giving them a look of disgust.

"She's been trying to get with Tristan since they arrived, I see nothing's changed." Jace added and I looked over to them. She had her body pressed up against his and he was trying to lean as far away from her as possible. Her groupies were standing a few feet from them looking adoringly at them.

"Did you miss me?" She batted her eyelashes and wrapped her arms around his neck. A low growl erupted from my throat without my permission, making Tristan look over at me and smile. Great let's just tell him how I feel, I scolded myself for not controlling my wolf.

"I'm sure you were missed by some Jules, but if you'll excuse me, my mate is standing over there and I'd rather it be her wrapping her arms around me than you." He gently pushed her off and walked over to me.

I crinkled my nose when he came over to me. "God did she dump a bottle of perfume on you? You smell awful." I coughed, the perfume was suffocating. How did she smell like that all the time and not have trouble breathing?

He laughed and pulled me to the stands. I took a look back to where Jules and her minions were standing and they were all not so subtly glaring at me. I flashed them a cheeky smile and followed Tristan up the stands.

The game finally started and I was surprised at how good our team was. Nearly every throw the receiver caught. By half time we were winning forty-six to twenty one. 

"I have to run to the bathroom I'll be back in a few." I said and made my way down the stands to the concession area. I was almost to the bathroom when my way was blocked by Barbie and her groupies.

"I don't know who you are, but Tristan's mine so back off." She said in that annoying voice that made me cringe.

"If you don't get out of my face I'm going to be your worst nightmare." I shoved her back a few steps.

She gasped, "How dare you touch the future Luna." And her groupies rushed up making sure she was okay.

"Are you really that delusional? If I'm his mate, how do you expect to get the title of Luna?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would he want you when he can have me?" She said haughtily. I rolled my eyes.

"Uhh maybe because I'm not fake." I threw that out there and she glared.

"I can assure you nothing about me is fake." She flipped her platinum blonde hair as if it proved a point.

"Yeah because I'm sure your hair, nose and boobs are all 'real'." I used air quotes and she glared.

"I am to real." She stepped forwards as if challenging me. My eyes flashed black and she took a step back before composing herself again.

"Just because he wants you now doesn't mean he'll want you forever. I can get him anytime I want." She smirked at me and I wanted to stab her.

"If you could get him anytime you want then why tell me to back off? Is it maybe because you know that he's always gonna want me? Or that you're too fake and plastic to have any real chance? Or maybe you're going after him because your own mate didn't want you after finding out what kind of person you are?" I saw her fists clench at that one and I smirked.

"That's it isn't it? Your own mate doesn't want you because he knows just what kind of person you are." And I stepped closer challenging her to hit me.

"And what kind of person is that?" She said behind clenched teeth.

"A slutty, manipulative bitch with no respect for herself or others" She opened her mouth to respond but I continued on.

I stepped closer so that we were only inches apart. "I swear to god, if you come anywhere near Tristan or do anything against me, I'll kill you slowly, painfully and won't stop until you're begging for me to kill you, and even then I won't. I'll drag it out till you have no will to even beg." I flashed my canines and growled. She stumbled back in fear which made my wolf happy.

I didn't even use the restroom I just headed back up to the stands and sat down. Tristan turned to me.

"Everything okay? I saw Jules talking to you, she didn't hurt you did she?" He looked me over checking for himself.

"Everything's fine, we came to a little agreement." I smirked and he looked confused but then just shrugged and went back to watching the game. I looked over to the concession area. Jules was standing there glaring at me. Just walk away now and we won't have a problem. Of course she didn't.

"It's on bitch." She mouthed to me and walked out of the stadium, her minions trailing behind her.

A slow smile spread across my face. 

"Game on." I said.

I'm An Assassin, Not Your Mate. (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now