Chapter 28 - Getting There

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Most people would just sit around, waiting for something to happen. They would put it in their head, that they were helpless.

But, I wasn't most people.

I had determination, and a wild spirit.

Those things put together, were not goo. It was probably a combination of crazy.

I'd sat there for a while, but eventually got up. I pulled some sheets off the furniture, I was disappointed to find, that t was only furniture.

It was probably hours before I'd escaped. I banged on the door, yelling for someone, at what seemed like forever. A maid opened the door, her eyes growing big. "Princess?"

I ran out faster than she could say anything else. I looked back at her, then forward again. I swear I ran into a brick wall, especially since I fell to the ground, on my but..

"Oh, sorry, Dusk?"

I looked up at the voice. "Eli?"

"Hey." He gave his hand and pulled me up.

I thought you would be with my father and the army... have they left yet?"

He looked at me as though I was crazy. I knew i was crazy, but why did everyone keep looking at me like I was today? "Yeah, they left yesterday."

"Well, then why are you still here?" I asked, as I rubbed my butt, trying to relieve some of the pain.

"Your father had me gathering up the last of the army."

"Has Mason already left?"

"Yeah, he left with your father. Why?"

"Do you know where the battlegrounds are?"

He squinted at me. "Yesh. Why?"

I started walking down the hall, Eli trailing behind me. "Dusk, do you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Since my father wouldn't call of the stupid war, I told him that I was going to help him fight in the war. He told me no, and locked me up. So, I need you, to take me to the battlegrounds."

"No, Dusk." He stopped walking.

I stopped and turned to face him. "And why not?'

"Because Dusk, I'm not going against your father's wishes."



I sight was quiet for a moment. "Fine." I continued to walk.

"Okay, wait. What? You are just gonna give up that east?" He started after me again.


"Well, then, will you tell me what you are gonna do?"

"Well, since you will not tell me where the battlegrounds are, then I'll just have to find them myself."

"It was quiet as we continued to walk. "Fine! I'll help you," Eli said, with a sigh. He stopped walking again.

I stopped too. "Really?"

"Yeah, let's go. I'll find someone else to take my place, in leading the rest of the army."

"Great. When do we leave?" I smiled.


I gripped Narnia's mane tighter, as I bounced up and down on her back.

I was glad that I had wore my tight fitting, stretchy, black pants, and a big sized shirt.

Eli was on a horse, riding just ahead of me. We had been riding for nearly an hour, across fields. The grass was dead, and was as tall as, half of Narnia's height.

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