Chapter 3 The Kiss

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"Miss," a rushed voice called, as a hand rubbed my shoulder.

My eyes shot open. I looked at Crystal, her worried eyes.


"I'm sorry it's late, I overslept, and I'm sincerely sorry. It's noon," she said really fast.

I threw off the covers, and jumped out of bed. I rushed to the closet, I pulled out a deep blue dress. I tore off the night game then replaced it, with the dress.

Crystal ran behind me, and tighten the strings. I pulled on my hoop. The dress was much like my nightgown, tight on my breasts, and then flowed down, the sleeves were a sheer blue, that went to my wrists and was tight on my forearms, but sort of made a cone-shaped down to my wrist. I picked some white hills, and put my hair back with a white clip, with a white flower on it.

"I'll do my makeup, will you go and get Duke Westmont, and bring him to my sitting-room?" I asked.

"Of course, m'lady." she disappeared into the hallway.

I went to my mirror and began to put on my makeup. Once I finish I backed up to look at my reflection. My hair was in a bun, held up by the white flower clip. Strands of hair hung down in front of my ears.

I walked out the door, and down the hall, till I got to my sitting room. My sitting rooms far wall was just a window, one giant window. A table set at that end in the middle. Couches lined the walls.

Duke Westmont sat at the table, staring out the window. He looked at me as I entered, and he stud.

"No, please sit back down," I offered. I hated that when royalty enter the room, or stud you had to stand, and I found it quite pointless.

"Oh, okay, if I may say so you are quite strange... Dusk," he smiled.

"How so?" I asked, taking a seat in front of him.

"Most Princesses would... rebel, to say, in the idea of being, royal."

"Well, I guess I'm not a normal royal," I said, taking a sip of my red liquid in the teacup. "But my cousins, on the other hand, are just like that. They love the power, they love the spotlight."

"Oh, really?" He asked, with a furrowed brow.

I nodded. "By the way, I'm really sorry for being late. I slept in."

"It's fine." He smiled, and I could see his fangs.

I moved my leg to cross it over my other leg. My knee hit the table. Sending my cup over the edge of the table, shattering the cup, and leaving the blood to run all over the floor.

We both jumped out. Both kneeling on the floor, me grabbing the napkins off the table and holding them to the ground. Eli began picking the glass up.

Then he stopped, just stopped, I looked up at him. He used his right hand and wiped his fingers across the blood. And then he placed his finger on his tongue, he closed his eyes and his mouth, and swallow.

There was a moment of silence. He opened his eyes up, and looked up at me. "Are you a vampire?"

I looked at him, the shock on his face, the uncertainty. I assumed he knew, but I guess not.

What do I tell him? No, I like blood. Okay, no. Just tell him the truth. Why am I talking to myself?

"Yes," I answered simply.

He looked really shocked. "I didn't know."

"Aren't you?" I asked

"Yes." He nodded. "How old are you?"

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