Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Thank you for your patience in my slower uploads over the last couple of weeks - I can't believe there's only two more chapters after this!

I will be starting my new book, Soulmates, soon after WOAD ends :D

Love, Cam

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Oliver dissolved the monarchy the following day. I watched it happen with shock. It felt so indescribably wrong that one man could change a country so fundamentally with one signature. It happened in the morning, in the drawing room of his own house, with only two witnesses. He signed it with all the formality of a man signing a casual letter to an acquaintance.

He signed, and he was no longer King.

"Well," Alex said heavily, inspecting the paper. "I cannot say this is how I wanted things to proceed, but... I appreciate you protecting the government elected by the people. Thank you."

Oliver smiled. It was as though I saw his entire body lift an inch, like something very heavy had been taken from his shoulders. "It is not how I pictured it happening. But... it feels like the right decision has been made."

I cleared my throat. "Alex, I mean this kindly, but should this not have been done... more formally? In an office, somewhere? With a thousand witnesses?"

Alex smiled. "If Oliver wanted it that way, then we would have done it that way."

Oliver snorted. "I am not travelling four hours in a coach just to sign the same piece of paper I could sign from my sitting room."

Alex took the paper and stowed it away within a strong, metal case that had a heavy padlock on it. That, at least, felt a little more adequate for the weight of the situation. Oliver had brought a bottle of wine to the table, knowing we would likely need a glass after the fundamental change we had brought to a country.

"I know it is early," he noted that it was only ten. "But frankly, you would not believe the week I am having."

Alex smiled lightly and opened the bottle, pouring three glasses and handing them out. We solemnly drank, the knowledge of what we had done settling in. I was terrified. Oliver was no longer King. Perhaps, if it had been in an office, with a thousand witnesses, it would feel less scary.

"Finn," Oliver's gentle voice interrupted my thoughts. "Your mind is taking you somewhere."

I blinked at him, having been caught up in my fear. "I just... it feels strange, does it not? To have so casually signed a document that will affect the lives of an entire country."

Oliver smiled a little, and sipped his wine thoughtfully. "In the short-term, yes, it will affect people. My parents, my friends, myself - but in the future, it will only benefit."

Alex thoughtfully said, "If it was a few years into the future, I believe it would feel less frightening. People have not had as long to adjust to the constitutional monarchy. Public opinion... well, yes, that may be negative."

"Public opinion will change," Oliver replied, and then took my hand and kissed me. "My priority currently is to protect you and myself. And Alex, if possible."

Alex snorted and said, "I think I can handle myself, Oliver, but thank you." He eyed our clasped hands and said, "This will take some adjusting to, also. What is Carolina going to do about all of this?"

"Carolina is supportive," Oliver smiled. "I have the most wonderful wife in all of Cafi."

"She truly is magnificent," I agreed. Alex smiled a little wearily, so I asked, "Are you all right, Alex?"

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