Chapter Six- PUBlicity

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I woke up to a face full of muscle, not that it was a bad thing, rolling over I looked at the time.


"Shit" I groaned taking a sip of the Glass of water on my night stand, today was our last day here and we just skip half of it away.

"Ethan get up " I said shaking him awake, when he gave me an accusing look for making him get up i rolled my eyes, "its 2 in the afternoon, get up"

I made my way into the kitchen grabbing a granola bar ,then plopping down on the couch and turning on E! News.

"fuck, Ethan get your ass in here" I groaned

"What?" he asked as he walked into the room, he had sex hair and was still in just sweatpants

I pointed to the TV.

"Top teen model Justice Janton and her new boyfriend were caught by our photographers coming out of a popular down town club in new York city after they were seen swimming together in the pool at their complex "

Pictures from the two if us at the pool and then pictures of Ethan carrying me out of the club flashed across the screen as the reporter mentioned that we were only 17.

Once the story changed I muted the TV and looked up at Ethan.

"I told you it was a bad idea " I snapped

"I didn't think thdrr would be paps around " Ethan looked at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck

"There are always paps around Ethan" I groaned running my hands over my face

"You were sober then, why didn't you warn me" Ethan said sitting next to me

"I wasnt thinking straight" I said standing up and walking into the kitchen to get Advil, of course Ethan followed me

"we'll figure it out " he said placing a kiss on the top of my head

"Dont do that" I bit my lip, ignoring the way my stomach jumped

"You were fine with it last night " Ethan muttered taking a few steps back

"I was drunk Ethan" I calmly stated not turning around

"Please your buzz wore off halfway home" Ethan ran a hand through his hair "I have to admit you're one hell of an actor though "

Taking a deep breath I turned to him and muttered, "I dont know what your talking about", before walking away into my room.

In reality I did know what he was talking about. He was right, I was pretty much sober when I kissed him. I just....wanted to know what it would feel like. Did I like him or no? My question had been answered and I didn't know what to do about it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on the door, sighing I walked out of my room and opened the front door expecting it to be Kathy.

Boy was I wrong.

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