"How I know you ain't going to change your mind tomorrow?"

"You don't, just like I don't know if you gon cheat on me or lie to me about anything else. But I'm willing to take that chance."

"If you act out one more time over anything that's not called for; I don't care how I feel about you. It's over. Ya heard?"

And from that day on me and Mason built back our friendship and relationship. We got back on track with our business's and made sure to remain on top.

Mason proposed to me on Valentine's Day. It was our first official Valentine's Day as a couple and he went all out. Took me to France and proposed to me whilst we was on the Eiffel Tower.

Now here we are in St Lucia celebrating my birthday, Christmas and our wedding day.
I couldn't be happier right now. I have everyone in my life right here.

"Mummy birthdayyy." My daughter sang as she climbed on my bed.

"Hello my gorgeous baby girl" I said as I picked her up.

Miracle was growing so fast. I loved it but hated it at the same time. I loved it because it was so fascinating; but I hated it because King should have been here growing with her.

I feel like Mama Sammy was missing James more than she let on because everyday without fail she would come round to the house to "help out" knowing full well we had maids and nannies. It got so bad that Mason suggested she should move in which she did and she seemed more than happy here. There was a few problems when it was time for Sammy to sell the house. Makayla as usual would kick up a fuss; but when Sammy said whatever it gets sold for she'll split with everyone she soon stopped making up noise.

My mom has started going places with Sammy and she includes her into her social life so she doesn't have to stay cooped up indoors.

Taylor has come back and is a teacher over here. She also is engaged with a baby on the way.

Gabby has been working hard keeping my store up and running and is happy with her partner. I see her near enough all the time as her children now stay one week with us and then one week with her. Gabby has become one of my best friends and better yet her and Taylor get on like a house on fire.

My brothers and Mason have finally buried this beef they had. My brothers realised Mason was here to stay and Mason said because they are my brothers they get a green light. It really meant so much to me as me and my brothers had mended our relationship and I knew this day wouldn't have been the same if they weren't here with me.

Makayla and I have been working on a relationship. I definitely think she respects me as I'm the one who made sure Mason didn't stop giving her money.

Mariah is the little sister I never had. She has an eye for fashion so I've given her a job in Lennox mall and hopefully she can work her way up. I only have her working part time as she's studying and don't want that to get in the way.

Matthew has got his girlfriend pregnant - this same girlfriend from when him and Mason surprised me in the store. She's started coming around us and now she's going to have a Ford baby we've started welcoming her into our little gang.

Oh and just before we flew I visited my parents and we got a visit from Brianna parents telling us Brianna had killed herself in jail. They actually seemed heartbroken but they was also disappointed in her. I didn't like Brianna and I couldn't care less if she was dead or alive however her parents need not to try and act like they were the worlds best parents and did everything they could. I blamed them for her being the way she was. Let's just say they left feeling much worse than when they came.

#7 :: Everything I Want.Where stories live. Discover now