26) Yes, I'm Pregnant.

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All I wanted was for Mason to think he was the father and provide for me. But the fact Olivia walked in was the icing on the cake! Yeah okay I may have just lost my best friend but the look on her face! Her perfect world just fell apart.

Yes, I'm pregnant. No, it ain't for Mason. It could have been but his brother came in that night when I tried to fuck him. Mason is sexy as hell and I would love to fuck him just once but I knew he was obsessed with Olivia so it would never happen.

All I want from Mason is money. He has lots. I can make him think he's the father and get money from him whilst me and my actual baby daddy can enjoy raising our baby.

I know you're most probably thinking I'm a bitch but I'm not really. I'm the unfortunate one. Imagine having two parents that don't even act like you exist. All over each over and always making plans that only ever included the two of them. I would be given whatever I wanted and an allowance to get by each month so I wouldn't have to "bother" them.

I wasn't loved by my parents like Olivia was. I never got on with girls usually because they are always so far up their own ass. But I got on with Olivia. She was good peoples. Then, she started getting all the things she wanted and I felt she changed.

She always put her stupid friend Taylor first too. The same friend that up and left her and went to England. But no, she never thanked me for being here by her side. I got fed up. After her demoting me I started to lose respect for her. How dare she?

Now, I didn't really care. So I was glad she walked in on me and Mason. I won't ever tell her he's not the father. Hopefully if and when she finds out it will be too late for them to fix things.

I pulled up to my boyfriends house and rang the bell. To my surprise a girl answered the door.

"It's not the pizza man!" She shouts back.

"The pizza man? Who the fuck is you bitch? And what you doing up in my mans house?" I said heated

"Your man?" She giggled.

"Yes. What's funny?" I said.

"If he's yo man you need to think about getting a new one." She said as she walked back inside with me hot on her heels.

"What is that meant to mean bitch!"

"What it means is, why is he so confident to bring me and only God knows who else to his home knowing you can easily turn up? And most importantly... The way he was blowing my back out you would think a nigga was trying to have me carry his seed." She said whilst putting on the rest of her clothes.

"Well you ain't... I. AM!" I said.

"Really? Well good luck honey." She said before walking out the door.

I was pissed off! How can my boyfriend do me like this?

"Who was at the door ba..be... Oh. What you doing here?"

"What you think I'm doing here? Who was that bitch?"

"Brianna chill. Why you always acting out?!"

"Why am I always acting out? I'll tell you why. You got bitches up in here like I'm not enough for you!"

"Brianna.. Not this again. Stop making out like we are together..."

"Why do you keep denying us Liam? We have been together for years!!!"

"No. We have been fucking for years! There's a difference. I only ever fucked you when Olivia wasn't around. I kept you around because yo head game is dope. But I've always told you we can never be together! It will ruin any chances I could have with getting back with Olivia."

I flipped.


"What you say?"

"I.. Said.. I'm carrying your baby. I'm pregnant Liam.."

"Since when?"

"I don't know, a few weeks. I have a scan next week, you wanna come?"

"No. But I will come with you to make sure you get an abortion."

"Say what now?"

"I'm not even playing with you. You know I'm not trying to be no damn daddy. Least of all to you!"

"LIAM!! How can you say that? What girl have you had in your life for as long as me?"

"Argh. You don't get it do you? You are not wifey material. You are not the woman I want to carry my my child. So what you need to do is go have a damn abortion and find a man that actually wants you because I do not!"

I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't. I loved this man so much. I betrayed my best friend for all these years by fucking Liam because I thought in the end it would be me he wanted.

"You just used me."

"Finally you're getting it!"

"I HATE YOU!! You stay there thinking Olivia will come back to you. She will never!"

"And I will never want you! Just make sure you let me know when you are having the abortion so I can see you actually go through with it."

"Wow, yeah. I'll do that for you." I said as I grabbed my bag and left.

The hell was I going to have an abortion. I was going to disappear and once the baby was born I would make sure to hit him where it hurt. He's a football player and earns a lot. So I would be making sure to put his name on child support...

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