"Mason, God don't give you nothing you can't handle, this isn't going to be easy but you will get through this. All of you will."

"This is karma. That's what this is."

"Karma? What you on about?"

"Karma for me killing Sydney.."

I froze.

"Mason.. You killed Sydney?"

"Yes. She almost killed Olivia and my daughter let's not forget she killed my son. I couldn't let her stay living."

"When? When did this happen."

"Last night. I killed her last night and then my dad dies this morning. This. Is. Karma."

"You really killed her?"

"Yes! I went round there and beat her black and blue then I gave her 3 headshots. She was in a trap house in the sticks. Gon be a while before anyone finds her."

I didn't know what to say or feel. I've wanted Sydney dead. But now she is, now I know Mason was the one who did it; it didn't feel sweet like I thought it would.

"It's not karma, it's just unfortunate timing."

"He'll wake up."


"WHAT GABRIELLA??? WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO? CRY?! NO!! I WONT!! I GOT TO STAY STRONG!! I.. I CANT..." He said before he fell to the ground and cried.

I ran over to him and hugged him. I had never seen Mason cry before. I knew he was hurting because I can count on one hand the amount of times he's called me Gabriella since I've known him. This wasn't just his dad. This was his son too, I know because he kept saying "King" whilst he was crying. I had no problem being there for Mason. But I felt it shouldn't be me it should be Olivia.

After about 15 minutes more Mason got himself together.

"I guess we need to call the paramedics." He said.

I nodded.

"Stay up here. Ima make mama and the rest come up. Y'all say goodbye and I'll call them." I said before leaving the room.

As I went downstairs Olivia was waiting for me at the bottom.

"How is he?"

"We'll talk in a minute. Hold on." I said to her. "...Erm.. I'm going to call the paramedics so, if y'all want to say goodbye. Nows yo chance." I said to the rest of the family. They all made their way upstairs.

Now I could talk with Olivia.

"Liv.. Let me ask you something. Are you still mad that Mason lied about having children?"


"Do you accept all his children?"

"Of course I do!"

"Okay, well he never slept with Brianna so that's all null and void. So are you mad at him over the fact you was kidnapped and lost your son?"

"I'm not mad anymore. If it's anyone fault it's mine."

"Okay so why don't you want to be with Mason what's stopping you?"

"Is this what he's told you to ask me?"

"No. I'm asking you. He don't even know we are having this conversation. So?"

"Too much has happened. It's not that I'm not over it but it's like what if it happens again? It was too much heartache. I love Mason I do, but I prefer to just be a friend and co parent."

"Friend? Co-parent? And y'all live in the same house?"


"Okay so when he finds a new girl and eventually brings her back.. You gon be okay with that?"

"I'll have to be. But by then hopefully I would be living by myself again."

"And when he stops coming home every night because he's at one of his many other houses blowing a bitches back out you gon be cool with it?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why am I doing what? Why am I being real with you? Because that what I'm being. You gon lose him if you keep this up. If that's what you want go ahead. If not you need to fix up. You ain't the only one who has lost someone. Mason has lost his son and now his father. He's blaming himself for the death of his father because he thinks it's karma for what he's done to Sydney... You know what he did right?"


"See, he wouldn't have told you if he didn't trust you."

"He told me because he needs an alibi."

"Bullshit. He won't use you as an alibi. You wait and see. He most probably just tested you to see what you'd say. But he wouldn't use you. He wouldn't put you in a predicament like that."

"I don't know what you want from me."

"Nothing. I don't want nothing from you. But don't kid yourself and act like you don't want him. You're scared of getting hurt again; okay what if you meet someone else and it all goes well, then they hurt you? What then? Find another? What if the cycle continues. Look, I'm not saying forgive him on everything he does, take me for example, I left him for getting another bitch pregnant. However, he ain't cheated on you. Yes he lied but shit we all lie, you lot can overcome this. These losses, these deaths, they could be what brings you lot closer but they can also be what tears you lot apart. Just make sure whichever one it is you don't end up regretting it." I said to her before making the call to call the paramedics.

#7 :: Everything I Want.Where stories live. Discover now