Wait what was his name again? I think the Boss mentioned it... Something like Daniel Farts? Maybe not that, but it was something along those lines. The men finally reached my table and stood up to greet them.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you sir," I say flashing them a fake smile, and putting my hand out. Apparently smiling is a must. The man in reply didn't smile at all. Dude come on, it's a must do. However he shook my hand.

He still had his sunglasses on so I couldn't even tell if he was looking at me. Rude much?

"Hello, Miss Rae," he said roughly, then his head twitched in the direction of the seats, "May we?"

"Yes of course," Ugh, what was his name, I searched through my brain for a while as we all sat down. I studied both of them carefully, whilst getting out the required files out, as did the twiggy man.

"You may have been expecting Darren Faulkner, the manager, but unfortunately he had an accident today, hence we are here. We also apologise for keeping you waiting, but I hope you understand. I'm Ryan Matthews, the CEOs secretary, and this is Cameron Fraser, the CEO of our company." I rose my eyebrow slightly at how fast the twig- Ryan had spoken, it took me a while to comprehend what he had said.

Smiling I said, "That's perfectly fine, it was no trouble," 'no trouble' Uhuh, stop lying Charlie. "Well I think you may already know about me seeing as you knew my name, but I am Charli- Charlotte Rae," I corrected myself, and didn't stop smiling. "Chief Photographer of our company. Anyways, should we talk business?" My face hurts!

After that the secretary told me most of the information on what they wanted. They were re-modifying their magazine and they needed a lot of photos taken of basically everything, from their interior designs, to the buildings made because of their architects. It was a big project. To take the pictures I'd have to go to a lot of sites and venues. They also wanted our company to make their magazine, designing and all, that wasn't my area so I'd have to get back to the Boss on that. I took notes and showed them samples of the photos we'd taken of buildings and given them my portfolio to look through. Halfway through the secretary got a call so he excused himself, and I was left with the grumpy CEO. He had said absolutely nothing throughout, but I swear he had been looking at me through the whole thing. Stupid sunglasses.

Not wanting to be rude I tried to start a conversation, "Um, so... Would you like to see the portfolio?" It was only the secretary who had looked through the thing.

"Sure," he said and took the portfolio in his hands. As he flicked through I took the time to look at Mr Fraser properly. His posture was quite stiff and tensed, something in here was stressing him out, or maybe he was just a stress-y person. His face was well masked and emotionless, it seemed like he had a lot of practise at hiding his expressions. I moved on from that to just checking him out, I know, I know a bit shameless, but he was a bit hot. You could see he worked out a fair from his biceps that roughly showed from under his suit, his hair was a caramel blonde colour, it was cut short and he had spent time gelling it. He looked roughly my age maybe slightly older, 25 maybe. I'd heard of him before a few times, some of my colleagues have spoken of him. Cameron Fraser. I think someone also mentioned the fact that his mother recently passed away, I wasn't sure if it was a rumour or not though.

He surprised me by speaking up, "This is really good, I'm glad our company is working with yours," he said with a slight nod, nothing else.

"Thank you, when would you like this project to be finished by?"

"By the end of next month preferably," I nodded in response.

Just then Ryan came back in rushing slightly. "Sir my girlfriend's in labour, can I-" Mr Fraser just nodded, making a massive smile erupt on Ryan's face.

"Thank you,"

"Hey, congratulations," I said with a real, bright smile. Aw, that was so sweet.

"Thanks," and with that he was out. Aw, I think he was slightly younger than me. That was quite sweet.

"Is there anything else left to discuss?" I question Mr Fraser.

"Just where the first photoshoot will be I think, but you will be informed of that on Monday when you come to the company like Mr Matthews mentioned," I nodded and then as we bid each other our goodbyes, I suddenly realised the other reason why this man looked familiar. Another smile erupted on my face.

He took off his glasses and stopped for a second to glance at me, "Thank you," he muttered, and then he turned around and got back into his car.

He didn't go back. He didn't jump.

My smile was so bright it could probably blind people.


A/N: SHE MEETS HIM AGAINN!!! Yay! Haha! Well you can definitely expect more of Cameron in the coming chapters :) Haha! Please tell me what you think!! I'd love to here!

AND GUESS WHAT?! A FEW DAYS AGO THIS BOOK WAS #938 ON HUMOUR!!!!! I know it's not all that, but it's an extremely big deal for me! SO PLEASE VOTE! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER! And upload sooner? Hehe ;)

Btw sorry for the short paragraphs... I promise they will get longer :) And sorry for the slow start...

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Next upload: If I get more than 5 votes on this chapter I shall upload on the 14th of January :) But if not then I'll just upload next Friday :) The 17th of January 2014 :)

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