"You ruined her Sam!" Nate groaned.

"That was the best part of this class" some girl sighed.

I just kept my mouth shut.

"I'm glad that Brooklyn entertains you all." The teacher rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you should come teach." She crossed her arms.

"No thank you." I bit my lip.

My phone vibrated and I flinched.

"Are you okay?" The teacher asked.

I nodded. I grabbed my phone and it was Nate.

N- you okay?

B- yep

N- you never say yep

B: I just did

N: sit at lunch with us?

B: with stass and Sammy? Really?

N: come on. This is the perfect time to get Sammy jealous.

B: ight

N: thanks Brooke

B: anytime

I put my phone away and started to pay attention again.


I sat down next to Nate and the girls sat with us too + Dexter. Dexter and Alexia were laughing to a picture. Kacie and Spencer were feeding each other which is weird but cute at the same time. Then suddenly Nate wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Sam glared at him and I tried pushing away but his grip was too tight.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"She go with it." He rolled his eyes but then smiled at me.

I poked his dimple and them Stassie did the same. I kissed his cheek. Stass kissed Sam's cheek. I turn to kiss Alexias cheek. Stass turns and kisses Tyler's cheek. Perfect.

"What the hell stass?" Nate quickly said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Nothing." I stopped Nate.

"No sh-"

"She did nothing." I slapped his arm.


I kissed him to make him shut up.

"Was that the only thing you thought of to make me shut up?" He laughed.

"It was either that or take off my shirt, and were in public so. "

"I would've been down to see you take off your shirt." Kyle smirked.

"Come over later." I winked jokingly.

"Any one of you touch brooke, you're dead." Sam glared at them.

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