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"...So then I said, 'Well that just don't make any sense. I just ordered this, how can we be out already?' And then guess what she said to me?"

"I don't know, Mama. What'd she say?" I responded as I took a bit of the pound cake she'd made.

I had woken up in the morning knowing that my day would consist of cleaning the house and getting groceries, so I figured I'd leave a bit early and stop by my mom's place. I don't see her much, but we do talk regularly.

She was currently complaining about her co-worker Sheila, who apparently has been taking supplies from different booths and cabinets in the salon.

"...I told 'er, I don't care if you late on your booth rent or if you short a comb! You don't go taking it from our stations! And then she tried to tell me that I was overreacting..."

"Mama, I thought Sheila was your friend. Maybe you should see if she needs some help before you go off on her in the shop like that," I tried to give my mom another perspective, but if there's one thing I knew about Ms. Anita Parrish, it was that she didn't ever want to hear excuses. If you did wrong, Mama was gonna let you know, regardless of why you did it.

"Enough about her, how you doing baby? You haven't called lately," she shot me a glare.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been busy lately," I grabbed my now empty plate and walk into the kitchen to start washing it, "Z's new album is coming out soon, so I've been helping him get through that, and I've also been thinking about into maybe starting something up for myself,"

I was cut off by Mama before I could finish my thought.

"Child, put that plate down. You came here to talk, not wash some damn dishes. Get in here and sit your behind in this chair."

"Yes ma'am," I lightly laughed at my mom, re-entering the dining room and sitting down.

"So, what's this about you wanna start something up for yourself? What you got in mind, baby?"

I hesitated before I spoke, knowing that it wasn't a complete plan and that I hadn't even discussed it with Zayn yet.

"Well, you know how I've always loved beauty products and doing hair and makeup, so I've been really thinking about maybe looking into starting my own brand, or maybe my own shop. I don't know, it's just an idea," I tried to downplay it.

I knew it wouldn't be easy. I had essentially no experience in the industry, beyond what I had learned in my years going to the shop with Mama and what I had taught myself. I also knew that I'd have to have Zayn finance the idea - which convincing him would be a task in and of itself.

"Baby," Mama exclaimed, "That's perfect for you! I always knew you were a natural at that sorta thing. Couldn't take you anywhere when you was coming up without you hollerin' about wanting some eyeshadow on first."

We laughed at the memories, continuing to talk about how when I was seven, I tried to braid my neighbor's hair but only managed to pull at and knot it so bad she cried. I told her to stop being so tender-headed while she told Mama about what I did.

"I think you could do anything you set your mind to, baby. I done always told you that. How Z feel about it?" Mama questioned me, her thick Louisiana accent evident when she spoke to me.

"I ain't mention it yet," I shrugged, "He's so busy right now, Mama. I don't wanna add on to his stress by asking about this just yet."

Mama looked at me and smiled. She had always loved Zayn. When we first got together, she was nervous about our age difference, but after she met him, she immediately acted like he was a part of our family. Every time he came home from a work trip or tour, Mama loved having him over to have us wait on him, hand and foot. She would always say, "That's a hard-working boy you got there, Nalani. You make sure you treat him real good when he comes home. He don't need no extra nonsense."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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