The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)

Start from the beginning

We all entered through the big mahogany doors guarded by our two betas and took our seats in the front of the council. The spokesman of the council opens the meeting.

"Today we invite you all for the final decision of the Teodora clan's home."

I gasped alongside with axel and our sisters. We looked at my father he didn't dare to look at us except stand in front of the elders unprotected. I felt Elisamarie's hand shake in mine, she was nervous and scared I wrapped my arm around her shoulder comforting her. My dad cleared his throat.

"I plead the decision,"-

He was cut off by Logan the head council. "And how will you pay your debt?"

What are they on about the house is historical and is an asset to my family. The Teodora house is prohibited to be stripped off by the council. However it doesn't make sense. How can the Teodora home be under council possession?

"I will have the money by the end of the month," My father growled.

"We will give you three months to come with the money," Said Logan the head of council.

"I accept. However once I have my whole possession back, the Teodora house is never up for sale again," Father growled in his alpha voice.

What, what has he got himself in. I wasn't convince when he showed status, because what he has done is wrong. I stood up and left the court room. George followed behind. I didn't understand how we lost our home. Does this mean we are broke? I have never in my life known an Alpha leader that has lost possession of their family home.

I kept walking until I was out of the court house. George stopped me by my shoulder.

"What the fuck was that George?" I yelled turning to him.

"Dad loaned money from the coucil and signed a treaty that half of the house is owned by the council."

"What was he thinking"

"I could ask the same. Look,"-

"I don't want to hear it! Just leave me alone. I hate this place and I hate dad for who he is now."

I ignored him and stormed off. As soon as I got to the corner of the court house I ran in to the bushes and ran home. I sniffed the air for any danger. I climbed up a tree to avoid any trouble that may appear on land. Sometimes our land is invaded by rouges. I jumped from tree to tree as fast as I could.

My pack is only small and there isn't enough werewolves to cover our land. We are the last of assassin Werewolves, knowledge from private census.

I flew pass trees with extra strength to lift myself, I am light on my feet so I could jump further.

This is what I meant about assassin wolves differences; we didn't have to shift into our wolf form to run, we can shift our wolf spirit to our human form. We are trained and gifted to use wolf strenght in human form, which other wolves could not sustain. Shifting into our wolf only meant we are in great danger and that's when we are at our full strength. We believe that fighting in our human form is noble and strong than relying on our wolf form. We usually use our wolf form for a stretch and to let us run free with our wolf.

I got home and packed my stuff. I chucked all my belongings in one of the family's car. I had to draw all my money to hide my tracks, and I had to do it fast on separate bank machines because of the limits the machine allows me to withdraw. I drove to the next town over and drew the last bit out and I was on my way. I lit fire to the car I was driving. This meant my journey started now.

I don't know where I was going, but I knew I could not stay with my family any longer.


The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now