Ch 26 Summer Vacation Starts

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The moment both Alexis and Jaden got off the boat they were dragged away by people that worked for Kaiba. They were put in a limo and driven away to a mansion outside Domino city. Then they were taken inside the house and they entered and Jaden said he had never seen this place before. Then Kaiba appeared and said "you never saw it because it was being constructed this last couple of years." Jaden and Alexis then looked around and they thought that it was amazing. Kaiba said "this will be your summer home till you go back to duel academy and don't worry about your parents miss Rhodes I have already talked to them and they have agreed to let you do as you choose this summer."

Alexis couldn't believe that Kaiba had talked to her parents. Then Jaden said to Alexis "hey lets go to the water park today to cool off and take the kids somewhere fun for the day." Alexis smiled at this and loved the idea of going somewhere that the kids may enjoy. Kaiba said "that is a wonderful idea Jaden and I got you some money to do it here take it." Jaden counted the money and Kaiba had given him over 2 grand. Jaden said "why are you giving me so much?" Kaiba said "shower the kids today with not only water but love today and that is what I want for my grandchildren. I also have some swim suits for the kids as well."

Kaiba gave the swim suits for the kids and they both had the Blue Eyes White Dragon on it. Jaden laughed and said "do you really want my kids to follow after you?" Kaiba said "maybe now get out of here and enjoy the day." So they got to the water park and got a stroller that could hold both Emerald and Shadow.

 Alexis went into the changing room first because Jaden wanted a little alone time with the kids and he held them in his arms. Then Alexis came out in purple or blue bikini and in Jaden's pants began to bulge. He covered himself but Alexis could tell that he was turned on by her and many boys with girlfriends began to stare as well. Jaden then ran into the changing room and when he came out Alexis got a little excited by Jaden and his wash born abs. Many girls did a double take and had hearts in their eyes.

Both Alexis and Jaden knew people were staring at them wondering if they were a couple then they both grabbed Shadow an Emerald and that cleared everything up for the onlookers. Jaden kissed Shadow on the head and Alexis did the same to Emerald. So they both took turns watched the kids while the other watched the kids and then they took both Shadow and Emerald into the wave pool but made sure that no waves were coming. Then Jaden went on anther slide and then he was coming back and he saw something that made him  very angry.

Jaden saw that a crowd of boys were around Alexis hitting on her and they had no idea that she had a boyfriend or kids they thought she was watching over them for her parents. Yubel was also getting mad because she could read the boys thoughts and what looked to be the leader of this group was thinking of getting rid of the babies and rapping Alexis. Yubel then informed Jaden of this and he acted. He came up to Alexis and kissed her on the lips and all the boys were not happy.

The leader said "hey, who said you could kiss my girl." Jaden looked at him and said "she is my girlfriend and I will do whatever I please." The boy got even more mad and then he grabbed one of the kids. He grabbed Shadow. Jaden said "put him down before I put you down." The guy said "or what you going to cry that I took a baby away from you." He then held the baby over the deep end of the pool and Jaden and Alexis were pissed the hell off.

Jaden then could do nothing he would never want his kid to get hurt so he stood down. The guy said "good now leave this park. I am going to have some fun with your girl maybe pop a cherry today." Alexis was pissed and saw that Jaden could do nothing so she said "I got an idea both of you duel for right to date or in your case fuck me." Jaden looked at Alexis will hurt in his eyes but the look Alexis gave him told him that he could beat this chump. The guy laughed and said "sure a show for the boys then you give me a show."

The boys had duel disk in their bag and gave it to the boss and Jaden got his own and his deck. Jaden said "and who would be so bold to kidnap my child?" The guy said "Jim and what you already did that girl." Jaden said "yes and she gave me two beautiful kids." Jim said enough talk lets duel." Both Jaden and Jim started their duel disk and Jaden smiled that he was going to duel for his kids so soon. The both said "duel."

Jim said "my turn, I draw. I discard one card to summon The Tricky in attack mode (2000atk). That was just a special summon I now give him up to summon Summoned Skull in attack mode (2500atk). I end my turn with a face down. Face it dude you can't beat me." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Now I will sacrifice him to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk)." Jim said "hold on how can you summon out a level 7 monster?" Jaden said "due to the effect of my Edge I can summon him out to my field with one sacrifice. Now I get to draw one card due to my Prodigy being used as tribute. Now attack his Summoned Skull. I end my turn with a face down."

Jim said "my turn, I draw. I play Monster Reborn to bring back Summoned Skull and now I summon Slate Warrior in attack mode (1900atk). Now I equip my Summoned Skull with Back Pendent to give him a 500 point boost. Now attack him." Jaden said "I play my face down Negate Attack." Jim ended his turn.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Super Polymerization to fuse my Edge with your Summoned Skull to form Evil Hero Malicious Fiend in attack mode (3500atk). Now I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk). Now I use his effect by removing him from play for two turns I get to have my Fiend attack you twice this turn." The duel was over and Jim and his gang left and then Jaden and Alexis enjoyed the rest of the day and came home to rest for that was just one day and Kaiba had told him that he had entered him in some tournaments to get him into the pro circuit fast when he graduates duel academy.

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