Ch 25 Passing the Torch

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Couple of weeks went by and everyone went back to the way it was. Bastion was still calculating how to be Jaden. Syrus was working on his confidence for he had to be a role model to someone other then himself. Chazz was being a good person and offering to watch the kids some times if Jaden and Alexis wanted to go out but he just wanted to get to know his god son more. Jasmine and Mindy were at the house holding the kids with Chazz. Zane was alone but he visited the house every so often to see if Jaden was taking care of Alexis. Atticus was also one that couldn't stay away from the kids.

Then the day after everyone took the test to see who would be the top student of the year was announced. Everyone believed that it would be Zane at the top of the leader board but then the students saw Jaden's name appear at the top. Everyone was shocked but then Crowler said "due to this even though Zane didn't score better them Jaden, Zane still has the choice to who would be in the graduation duel with him." Jaden didn't really care he was already prepared to duel Zane if need be."

The next day Jaden and Alexis got a visit from Zane. Alexis asked what brought him here and he just smiled. They lead him to the living room were Emerald and Shadow were taking a nap. Zane said "I hope I was not intruding on anything." Jaden said "no we just put Emerald and Shadow to sleep right before you got here." Zane then looked at the two children and smiled again. Alexis said "so Zane what brings you to our neck of the woods?" Zane said "I have made my choice to who I want to duel in the graduation duel."

Alexis said "that is fantastic when do you want Jaden to duel you?" Zane was surprised that Alexis picked up so quickly. Zane said "tomorrow and Jaden I want you to go at me with everything you got ok." Jaden said "I will if you will ok." Zane said "deal." Then the kids began to wake from their sleep and Emerald began to cry. Zane was going to leave when he watched Jaden telling Alexis what to do and she did it and it calmed down Emerald like that. He was happy and left and knew that Alexis was in good hands.

The next day came and everyone was watching the graduation duel. Alexis brought Emerald and Shadow in their stroller that Kaiba had brought when he came to visit to see his grandchildren. Zane and Jaden made their way to the middle of the arena and shook hands. Then the battle for the tittle of king of DA in public was about to begin. Jaden and Zane started their duel disks and said "duel." The kids looked static to see their first duel involving daddy and not to mention that this was the first time they went out with the kids.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Dark Fusion to fuse Wildheart and Avian to form Evil Hero Wild Cyclone in attack mode (1900atk). Next I play De-Fusion to defuse my Evil Hero and I will have both Avian and Wildheart in defense mode. Next I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in defense mode as well (0def). Now I play Card of Sanity so now we both draw till we have 6 cards in our hands. I will end my turn with a face down." Jaden ended his turn drawing the card that would lead to Zane's down fall.

Zane said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Cyber Dragon in attack mode (2100atk). Now I attack your Gainer with my Cyber Dragon." Jaden said "not so fast I play my face down Negate Attack to stop your attack." Zane said "I play two cards face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I sacrifice my Avian and Wildheart to summon out the power of Yubel in attack mode (0atk)." Yubel was summoned to the field and then she turned to look at the two kids and waved to them. Both Emerald and Shadow started to squeal in excitement as they saw the duel spirit that had been watching over them.

Jaden smiled that his kids liked Yubel and she liked them. Then Jaden said "now Yubel attack Cyber Dragon." The attack hit and Zane lost 2100 life points due to Yubel's effect of not being destroyed and dealing all damage to the opponent. Jaden ended his turn with a face down and had to give up Gainer to keep Yubel on the field. Zane said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my three Cyber Dragons to summon out my mighty Cyber End Dragon. Now to get rid of that pesky Yubel I play Tribute to the doomed to get her out of here."

Both Emerald and Shadow began to cry as their favorite duel monster was ensnared in bagages and dragged into the grave. Jaden began to laugh. Then it happened another monster appeared on Jaden's field. Yubel - Terror Incarnate. Zane was shocked to see that he had made Yubel stronger by destroying her. The kids were then happy to see that Yubel had evolved. Zane was going to end turn when Jaden said " I play my face down Battle Mania."

Zane was shocked and was now in a position that he didn't want to be. But then he said "I play Offerings to the Doomed by skipping my next draw phase I can destroy your Yubel." Then an explosion happened and Yubel - Terror Incarnate was replaced by the Ultimate Nightmare. Then Jaden said "now your Cyber End Dragon is forced to attack so this duel is over." Cyber End attacked and then Zane lost the last of his life points. The crowd cheered as they had seen the best duel it out.

Zane said to Jaden before leaving the arena to go to the pros "take care of Alexis and your kids ok." Jaden said "I would never let that happen." Then Zane left but then Sheppard asked for Jaden to come to his office after he got ready to go back home for summer. Jaden entered Sheppard's office and they Sheppard moved the box that contains the Sacred Beasts in them to Jaden. Jaden then relized that the Zane duel was a test to see if he could control them and he passed and he took the cards and said that he would not let anyone get their hands on them. Jaden then left the school with his girl, his kids, and his friends to the main land to have a great summer and Alexis and Jaden were going to stay at the Kaiba mansion for the summer. They looked at the boat and said that this was going to be one good summer.

Hi everyone this is Keyblade 11 I was wondering if you guys wanted me to continue this story with summer break or just end it there if you want to continue please leave a comment and if you would like to give me ideas I am more then willing to hear them so thanks for all the support and get your game on.

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