Ch 20 The Final Shadow Rider

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A week pasted by and nobody had heard from Banner or seen him since Atticus told them about Banner leading Atticus to the abandoned dorm. Jaden had a feeling that Banner wanted to know who got the keys and who would make it this far so he could separate the weak from the strong. Alexis told Jaden that she would go and visit Atticus in his room and that she would be back in a little bit. So Alexis made her way to Atticus' room and walked in. She found that the room was in shambles and she wondered who could have done this. Then she saw a man jumping out of the window and she followed at a careful pace for she was still pregnant.

Then when they came to a clearing the man turned around and started his duel disk and prepared to duel. Alexis said "what have you done with my brother? No matter, I will duel you and get him back." She started her duel disk and she began to duel. About fifteen minutes later Alexis fell to the ground and the man absorbed her into a book and the key was unlocked to the spirit gate.

Chazz was looking for Banner ran into the man and said "who are you? I will duel you and Chazz you up." About a minute later Chazz fell to the ground and had lost the duel. Then he was absorbed into the book like Alexis. Then Jaden awoke from his nap by Yubel. Yubel said "I sense that Banner is on the island and that he has just unlocked two more of the spirit gates." Jaden said "that means. No I need to find this seventh shadow rider before Alexis and Chazz are engulfed by the shadows. I don't want by children exposed to the darkness like me."

Jaden already knew where the shadow rider was and he ran as fast as he could to save his girl and his babies from being trapped in the shadows forever. He got to the abandoned dorm and went to the basement and found a laboratory that he knew was Banners. Then a voice came from out of the dark and said "welcome my king I was expecting you." Jaden looked at Banner and said "hello Banner I was hoping that it wouldn't come to this but alas I will end you for taking away my girl and my children away from me." Banner said "no worries I will return you girl to you if you can beat me. If not you and your children will be in the shadows forever."

Jaden and Banner started their duel disk and said "duel." Banner said "my turn, I draw. I play Chaos Distill so now all my cards that I would sent to the graveyard are removed from play. Next I play Steel Lamp to special summon  Alchemy Beast - Salamandra the Steel in attack mode (500atk). Next I play Bronze Scale and Lead Compass to special summon Alchemy Beast - Ouroboros the Bronze(500atk) and Alchemy Beast - Leon the Lead in attack mode (500atk). I end my turn with a face down."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Now I will sacrifice him to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now my Prodigy effect activates allowing me to draw one card. Now I play the spell card Vicious Claw which gives my Edge a three hundred point advantage. Now Malicious Edge attack with Needle Burst." Banner said "I play my face down Elemental Absorber by sending one card that has the same element as your Edge I can negate your attack. So I send one monster that element is earth so your attack is negated." Jaden ended his turn with a face down.

Banner said "my turn, I draw. My monsters are allowed to attack you directly so attack the king directly. Now I play Black Process - Negledo to send my three monsters out of play and now I get to draw two cards for each monster I sent out of play. Now I play the spell cards Tin Spell Circle, Mercury Hourglass, and Silver Key. Now I can summon Alchemy Beast - Aretos the Tin (500atk), Alchemy Beast - Ekenas the Mercury (500atk), and Alchemy Beast - Moonface the Silver all in attack mode (500atk). I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode. Next I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Elemental Absorber. Now Malicious Edge attack. Now it is your turn Gainer attack. I end my turn with a face down." Banner said my turn, I draw. I play White Process - Albedo. Now I can special summon Golden Homunculus in attack mode (0atk). Now due to the effect of my monster it gains  300 attack points for everyone card removed from play (3900atk). Now my attack his Gainer and give me the Sacred Beasts."

Jaden said "I play my face down Mirror Force to destroy all your attacking monsters." Banner yelled "no." Jaden said "yes. My turn, I draw. Malicious Edge attack and bring me back my girl and children." The duel was over and Banner congratulated Jaden on defeating him. Banner then said "I knew that you were the one. They favor you over the one that seeks its power." Jaden said "what are you talking about?" Banner said "the Beasts they favor you because you are their king so when the man comes to take away the beast be prepared." Banner then turned into dust.

Jaden then saw that three orbs appear in front of him and they were Chazz, Atticus, and Alexis. He rushed over to Alexis and awoke her. She asked where they were and if Atticus was ok." Jaden then awoke Atticus and then Chazz and told them the story and that he needed to protect the cards at all cost as they once were his. But none of that mattered now because Alexis was having a baby shower next week and everyone was invited.

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