I got the ingredients out and started to mix them together. I decided to make some normal pancakes and some blueberry pancakes so people could choose.

I started to sing die in your arms whilst cooking. There was only 8 contestants in the house and I had made enough pancakes for a town. I finished singing die in your arms and started singing ABC. I made everyone a cup of tea, the way they liked it.

I got a lot of toppings for the pancakes and put them on the counter. I couldn't really do anything else as I didn't want to start the pancakes without everyone else. So I started the washing up. I was washing up and dancing around while singing ABC still, whenever I finished I would just repeat it. What can I say? Its a tune.

I started to dry the pans and plates and stuff and put them away. I was still dancing around and I got a pile of plates and started dancing over to the cupboard where we keep the plates. I put them away then spun around and saw all the other contestants stood at the door watching me. I screamed and fell to the floor. They all started laughing and crowded around me. I joined in laughing and just lay on my back laughing so much. I then realised that Liam was filming me on his phone.

'I made some pancakes' I giggled then Liam put his phone away and everyone left me on the floor to go an get some pancakes. 'Thanks guys' I shouted getting myself up. I got myself some pancakes and sat down at the table. Everyone grabbed their cup of tea and pancakes and joined me.

'How was everyones sleep?' I asked smiling.

'Well you see it was good, until I got woken up by a little redhead singing about ABCs and stuff' Shauna said laughing. I blushed bright red, like my hair. 'Im just messing with you, it was a lovely way to be woken up'

'I agree' Sophie said. 'I also like the pancakes, nice touch'

'And the performance' Liam laughed and we all burst out laughing. When we had finished eating we all went upstairs and got dressed and ready for a day at the studios. The cars arrived as usual at 9. I was sat in the back playing on my phone when I got a text from Harry.

'Nice dancing this morning babe;)'

What? How had Harry seen that?

'What?!' I replied. He simply replied with a youtube link. I opened it up and it was the video Liam had took of me this morning. He had the full song in there me cooking and washing up and putting away. It ended with me on the floor saying 'I made pancakes' then giggling. Oh wow. I look so attractive. I look at all of the views and there is over 5,000 already. Its only been on for a hour! I then looked at the description Liam had put.

'This is the lovely Ariana Grande, she decided to wake the house up this morning by singing Michael Jackson songs and dancing around in her pyjamas.'

I then looked at the comments.

'I would wake up to that any day;)'

'what a cutie'

'I love Ariana! She should win!'

'I do that! OMFG! We should be like best friends'

''I MADE PANCAKES' her laugh is so cute'

'bless her cotton socks'

I then went to twitter and saw that all of the x-factor contestants had tweeted it and everyone had seen it and was talking about it. Oh well, it was funny and everyone knows what I'm like anyways.

We got to the X-factor studios and when I got out of the car I immediately looked for Liam. I found him and ran up behind him and jumped on his back. He just laughed and started running around and leaning forwards so I almost fall but stopping at the last second.

following his footsteps a ariana grande fanficWhere stories live. Discover now