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I shuffled around in bed as the first ray of light caught my eye. Gray was still in a deep slumber and didnt move much as I slowly crawled out of the bed, and began dressing.

A million thoughts ran through my mind as I watched his sleeping figure, quickly rushing back to last night. All of it was undoubtedly amazing, but getting back to reality, I had business to take care of.

I let myself out of the room and warehouse, driving back to my apartment to get ready for the big meeting later on. I couldnt afford to let Jay get into my head, not now, not when im vulnerable.

He loved to see me fail. He didnt care if it made him look bad in front of Illionaire. if I suffered, that means he won.

My driver arrived at my apartment with Swings and my bodyguard Vasco, who never really spoke unless he was about to kill someone.

Sadistic, but he was one of my favourites around here.

"Lets try and keep this clean okay?" I nodded and Swings let out a chuckle.

"Right, ma'am correct me if Im wrong but aren't you the one waiting to put a gun to Park's head?" He mused, exchanging a smirk with Vasco.

"Lets not point fingers" I sighed as the car finally came to a stop.

Illionaire liked to meet at random over the top hotels and restaurants, and today wasnt any different. We entered the lobby of probably the most expensive hotel in Seoul, the one the President used from time to time.

I waited with Vasco as Swings gathered the details of where the meeting was taking place, when I noticed a familiar face.

"(Y/n) nice to see you again"

"Nice to you too Simon Dominic, still wasting your time at aomg I see?" I greeted and he grinned at my words.

"Come on, you know thats business, I do what I have to do" he replied coolly and took a step closer. "How's Gray doing?"

The mention of Gray made my stomach flutter but I managed to keep my composure nonetheless.

"He's.... still alive" I spoke and noticed Simon's eyes become wary. "Nice tactic of not trying to save him, its like playing russian roulette."

"We dont know what Jay is--" Simon's voice trailed off as he noticed his boss slowly approaching. I became quite skeptical to what was really going on at AOMG, and why didnt Simon know about Gray's "rescue party".

Jay strolled towards us, accompanied by Loco of course and that intolerable smirk that always graced his face.

"(Y/n)" he hummed and his eyes moved over my figure, "good to see you as always. Vasco, Swings, shall we all get going then ?"

I rolled my eyes as we all entered the elevator together. In a normal circumstance, where Illionaire was not in any way involved, several people would of been dead by now. Lucky for them, its not one of those days.

The lift stopped at the penthouse and we were greeted by a smartly dressed woman who offered us all a glass of wine, along with some cigars.

Shaking my head to both offers I followed her into a lavish boardroom, where Illionaire's emblem graced the linen of the table.

We silently took our seats, aomg and JM on opposite sides of course and waited for the hosts of this little get together to arrive. I could feel Jay's dark eyes on me as I focused my attention elsewhere, not wanting to stare at his pathetic being any longer.

"You all finally made it!" We heard someone call, and all of us turned to see Illionaire's owners, Dok2 and The Quiett walk in.

They casually took their seats as the rest of us were nervously waiting for the meeting to go on. I personally knew the consequences of not going according to Illionaires orders. They had the power to end my entire cartel and I needed to continue my father's legacy. Whether it was working with Jay for a short while or not.

"Im hoping that the both of you went through the contract we drew up" Dok2 spoke, and took a swig of his drink.

"Yes sir" I nodded and looked down at the contract before me, "I would just like to propose something, if you dont mind."

"No please go ahead" The Quiett answered and I felt the guys of AOMG glare in our direction.

"I would like the turf's to be remained untouched. Even though we are working on the China shipment, our own businesses remain seperated and should not be crossed" I explained and it seemed as though Jay agreed with me.

"How much are we splitting this deal by?" Jay asked, flipping through the pages of the contract. "I didnt see anything about the pay in here."

"Half goes to us, and you both get one third of the profits" Dok2 replied and slid over two envelopes towards us.

"Here's 10 grand to solidify the contract."

I handed the envelope to Swings and read through the contract one last time before pulling out my pen. This was good for us, good for our business. I didnt care about how Jay was going to get his half of the shipment sorted, this would be beneficial to JM.

The woman came to collect the signed contracts from both parties and the deed was now done. But the mystery of Gray still lingered in the air and since Simon wasnt going to fess up with his boss around, I had to ask the man in charge myself.

"Park, I need to speak with you" I announced as we all made our way out into the foyer.

"Really now?" He mused, "Ive been meaning to speak to you too."

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