Chapter 27-Tell Me Something I Don't Know,

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Chapter 27-Tell Me Something I Don't Know,

The next morning shift into the next day. The doctor that provided Niall care told the boys that Niall is currently stuck in great condition and expected to be discharged at the next day. The boys that loved Niall was happy than ever soon they received the message. And also hoping that anything like us will never happen again, too soon.

Currently, since Harry stayed with his now-stabled boyfriend overnight at the hospital, the remainder of the boys stopped by, including Luke.

Well about Luke, during some hours when Niall and Harry snoozing off, and after getting a soda from a vending machine that was in the large waiting room, he got to the point that he was worrying himself that he became weak and tired, then unexpectedly fell asleep in the waiting room. Haha.

After Harry and Niall finished eating breakfast, that's when the boys entered his room that he was treated in.

"Hey Niall!" The boys chanted. That actually made Niall plaster a welcoming smile on his face. He's again accepting the fact that he still feel loved from his compadres for being here with him.

 "Hey guys." Niall returned the acknowledgment.

 "How you feeling, buddy?" Liam asked.

 "Oh, better than ever." Niall stated, keeping up his smile. "Harry and I just ate and it didn't literally fill us up."

 "Well d'you want us to stop by some place to buy food?" Louis question. "We're kinda hungry too."

 "Sure!" Harry answered for Niall. "There's this new place called Coney Island is around the block."

 "Since you suggested that, why don't you come with us?" Louis asked.

 "I'm not leaving Ni--"

 "I'll remain here." Luke assured. Both Niall and Harry didn't know he was the room. "You go on while I keep him company."

 Harry approved that offer from Luke and got up, randomly yawning and stretching, and kiss Niall on the cheek.

 "Take care, alright?" He smiled. "Don't bully Luke."

 They both chuckled as Luke send them a blank expression, indicating that he's getting humiliated by these boys already. Harry and the rest exited the room, leaving Luke and Niall stranded.

 "So what up?" Luke randomly inquired as he took a seat next to Niall's bedside.

 "Nothing." Niall said in nonchalance. "I'm just sick of seeing this place now."

 "You and everyone else." Luke mentioned. "Exception of Harry."

 "Huh?" There was a circle of confusion was in Niall's speech.

 "Yeah...I shouldn't have any business of telling you but Harry is going through a shitload of depression because of what's been happening to you." Luke confessed.

 Niall was slowly getting confused on what Luke said. He didn't have no clue what he was talking about. So he was beginning to predict and elaborate things in his mind. The damning question that Niall thought about is Harry is getting depressed by trying to have a wonderful relationship with Niall? Niall didn't wanna think of something "ugly", as in if the relationship is going to be done.

 "Why is Harry depressed, Luke?"

 "Yesterday, I found out he cuts himself because he's emotionally in pain." Luke revealed in a stern intonation. "I saw it with my own eyes."

 Unfortunately, Luke was unable to keep things like this to himself; but he forced himself. He figured that Niall needs to know what's going on with his lover, since they held each other hearts for a while now. He think it's wrong to keep something cautious and urgent concealed.

 When Niall got the memo, his face flushed even more. He had the greatest feeling that Harry will quit this situation. If Harry continues, he most likely think that he might lose him for making depression injure him. As much Niall want to quit trusting Harry, he actually can't see himself doing that. What's love without trust indicating?

 "He was cutting himself for you." Luke continued.

 "And I told him to stop this bullshit!" Niall scoffed, making some enragement arrived.

 "I...kinda said that he shouldn't do anything like this..." Luke muttered. "It seems like he needs to look on the bright side, y'know? I know you can't help how your health condition, but he needs to think that there's time for you to heal...and I know this isn't your first time."  

 "Has he ever said something like he couldn't help it?" Niall question, still internally trapped in a irate demeanor.

 "Yes, certainly." Luke said. "Maybe he"

 "Rehab?" Niall snarled. "Luke, why in the hell does he need rehab?!"

 "Because I'm getting to the point that I'm giving up if he does it again. I'm afraid he'll give up soon too."

 "No. Absolutely not!" Niall barked. "There isn't a such thing as giving up Luke! This is my boyfriend you're talking about! What you are...talking about isn't enough to change someone's life?! He could possible be in this same fucking bed as I'm laying in!"

 "Niall calm---"

 "Since you're been one inconsiderate friend at this point, what's the point of me calming down?" Niall scoffed. "Throwing Harry in rehab gives me a great sign that he's not worth to anybody!"

 Niall had a point that Luke automatically agreed on. Luke was just worrying what if Harry continue to do self-harming. He's worried about his future as it's approaching.

 "I'm just worried about him obtaining his future." Luke sighed. "How will his fans take this if they somehow find out? How will his family take this if they find out? How will YOU take this if he continues this non-sense? Answer that."

Speaking of have a confrontation about Harry and his devastating self-harming, Harry stood near the crack door, hearing entirely EVERYTHING Luke and Niall spoke about. As much he was feeling uncomfortable on hearing everything that was said between the two, he couldn't escape from it.


Hey beautiful people! I hope you guys enjoyed the this chapter. The big question for this chapter is how you think everything is going to turn out after Harry eavesdropped when Niall and Luke conversed?? :o

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-Asia ♥

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