Epilogue: Anything Could Happen.

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Chapter 31-Progress

It was a week after Niall and Harry's little encounter in bed, they could say that their relationship has grown much stronger ever since it happened.

The day after it happened Zayn decided to rub it in their faces that they should really quiet down next time, which Louis heard Zayn talking about it and started asking questions about anything he could think of to Niall and Harry.

As awkward as it was, they had to put up with the questions all day no matter how hard Liam tried to stop Louis..

Anyway, moving on. Today was Harry's last therapy session and of course all the boys were invited to join by Mrs. Williamston, so they were all getting ready. This was also the last day Mrs. Williamston will be with Harry and the boys on tour.

There were quite a few hold ups during the whole getting ready thing, as Niall and Harry kept lip-locking and smacking each other's bottoms. Liam thought it was getting ridiculous and started yelling at them for almost getting to the appointment late.

Harry also decided to bring the members of 5 Seconds of Summer along, seeing as they knew everything about what happened with the curly-headed boy. Seeing as Luke was the only member of the band who knew about the situation before the others, so he had to explain everything as to why it happened.

Finally, everyone was ready and were on the way to see Mrs. Williamston. She had a spare room rented out for herself at each arena the show was held at.

As they finally arrived at the location and walked around backstage, all in a group, approaching a door. Harry knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. All the boys stood behind him and Niall stood beside him with their hands locked together.

The door opened showing, the middle aged lady. "Hey Mrs, Williamston!" Harry greeted, "I brought all the boys with me today." He shows off his charming smile.

Mrs. Williamston let all the boys in, they all found a chair to sit in.

"As you boys probably already know that this is Harry's last session with me," She grabbed out his file and looked through it, "His shown so much progress over the last few months, it's just amazing. I've never seen a patient progress so quick like Harry."

Louis patted the curly headed boy's shoulder and smiled at him. Niall intertwined his fingers with his boyfriend's.

"He has become more happy and I heard he has given up on those razors, you all should be proud."

"We're all very proud of him, that's for sure." Luke spoke up.

All of the boys had smiles plastered on their faces, "I'm very proud of myself," Harry exclaimed as he looked at his lover beside him. Niall made sure to smile back.

"But I do want to thank all you boys for helping me out, even if it was so frustrating. I'm just glad you all stuck with me through the downfall. I love you all, especially you Niall." He stroked Niall's hand with his thumb.

"I love you too Harry." Niall pecked him on the lips and they shared another bright smile between each other.

"That's just too cute!" Mrs. Williamston cooed as she watched the couple in front of her, "I've never seen a couple of the same sex so in love before."

"Oh you should've heard them the other night." Zayn smirked, he remembered back to what he heard. "They're so in love alright." All the other boys snickered over this comment. As for Harry and Niall, they blushed a deep red.

"I don't think I want to know." Mrs. Williamston blocked her ears with her fingers for a second before removing them. "Moving on!" She clapped her hands together, "Harry I would still like you to keep those pills of yours just in case your depression comes back and just know that I'm a phone call away."

"Thankyou for everything Mrs. Williamston, it helped us all out a lot." Niall finally spoke up for the first time this session.

"Hug it out!" Louis yelled, as he engulfed the curly-headed boy next to him. Finally everyone joined and all collapsed into the hug, even Mrs. Williamston joined in.


The rest of the day was spent with coffee and talks about anything or everything. Right now, all the boys, except for 5 Seconds of Summer as they were out performing, were sat backstage waiting for their queue to happen.

Niall's stomach was quite upset today and he didn't know what was going on. It was a different kind of sick that he just couldn't figure out.

He rubbed at his stomach but he needed to empty it out and the nausea got to him. He ran to the bathroom quickly without the boys noticing.

Once he approached the toilet, everything he ate landed in the object. He finished off and wiped his mouth, flushing the toilet. He opened the cubical door to see Liam, sitting on the bench of sinks.

"Are you alright?" Liam looked worried, what if it was another side effect?

 "I'll be fine, just a bit sick. I have been for the past week" Niall washed his hands.

"I heard that." Liam sighed, "Do you think it may be-?

Niall cut him off, "It might be I'm not sure. I feel like I'm going to have these side affects for a long time. God damn epilepsy!" He laughed as he leaned against the bench and thought for a moment. Sadly this was going to be the way it was going to be for the rest of his life

Harry came in giving me a kiss on the cheek, sitting by Niall's side. Niall sighed contently, "You good babe?" Harry questioned.

"Of course I am because I'm here with you."


Everything was looking up finally, well kind of, with Harry's therapy sessions helping him out and Niall's epilepsy under control for the time being. It looked like it could be the start of something great. Which it was.

The band continued on with the way they were for the next couple of years until they decided to go on hiatus to do solo things and build more of their life. 

Niall's seizures didn't occur as often. Harry has become a big advocate for people who suffer from mental health issues with a whole don't be afraid to speak up campaign.

The pair ended up getting married, to which Liam and Louis also attended, and they adopted a little girl that they named Holly. They had a beautiful family. It was perfect

Liam and Louis sadly didn't stay together, for a lot of personal reasons, but they stay good friends of course and ended on good terms too. 

As for Zayn well he hasn't been in contact with the boys, he kind of vanished and they tried to get through to him but they had no response. The rest are very salty about it which we don't blame them, we all were let's be fair.

But nothing could ever break their bond in any way, they always had each

As we already know, Anything Could Happen.  Which Niall and Harry proved to us but they pulled through it all. 


And that is the end of this story.

Thank you for everyone who read this. Thank you for sticking with me through this whole book. I love you all.

Thank you for the votes and lovely comments!

And I also would like to thank my co-writer @princebizzle , you have helped me so much with this book and I appreaciate it! xxx Thank you Asia!

I hope you enjoyed this book, comment your thoughts for the ending and stuff like that. I love your honesty! xx

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Anything Could Happen. (Narry Storan) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora