"Oh alright then."

"Our appointment is for ten, seeing as you took your time in that damn bathroom it looks like we are going to be late." I grumble.

"Yeah if you drive slowly but if you are fast we will be on time."

"Do you even know where we are going?"

"Not really," she admits with a sheepish smile as I open the door for her.

"Can I play music from my iPhone," she asks gesturing to my radio.

"Yeah, as long its music not noise."

"You are weird," she states.

"Coming from you that's so offensive," I tell her as I hand her the aux cable.

"This is my favourite song," she ignores me as she plugs her phone in and a fast beat broke through the speakers.

"Who's that?" I ask her.

"Flume, never be like you." She says as she sways along to the music.

"I think I like casting crowns better."

At that she increases the volume and blocks my voice out. I do not really hate the song, but I like teasing her.

"We are here," I tell her as I park the car. The salesman is already waiting outside. Not bothering to wait for me to open the door for her, Kris steps out of the car. She really is a sight. I have not met a girl who manages to look so good in literally anything. Today she isn't wearing any makeup and I love the way she looks.

"Hey Sid," Kris said waving at the salesman who was about twenty as he walked towards us.

"Kris," he acknowledges her as he smiles and hugs her. He then turns to me, shaking my hand with a, "Good morning Sir." Kris looks at me and mouths, "old man." I give her what I hope is a death glare.

"Sid, this is Alexander, Sir," she continues in a mocking voice, "this is Sidney, Sylvia's son. Looks like I knew where we were going after all," she adds with a smug smile.

"Nice to meet you," I nod at him, rolling my eyes at Kris. He smiles awkwardly before glancing at the IPad he has in his hands.

"You said you wanted to look at the ranges we have," he says still looking at something on his iPad, "Can I show you the ones we have and then you can make your choice?" He asks me, looking up at me.

"Yes that's fine."

We walk towards the showroom. I am open to seeing the cars he has on offer but I already know which car I want and I am hoping he has it here.

"Oh my gosh, look at that one Xander!" Kris exclaims as soon as we enter the showroom. She is pointing and already walking to a silver Holland & Holland Land Rover Range Rover.

I find myself grinning from ear to ear. The car is exactly what I was looking for. I follow her with Sidney beside me.

"That car is a beast," he says enthusiastically.

"Oh trust me I know," I say opening the driver's door and checking out the leather interior.

"How much is this going for?" I ask him as I watch Kris walk around it.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand sir," he tells me, "would you like to take it for a test drive?"

"No thank you I don't think that will be necessary, please call me Alex. What colours do you have it in?" I ask him.

"You should so get it in Matte black. It would look so cool," Kris says as she comes to stand beside me.

"Can I get that?" I asked Sidney. He typed a few things into his iPad for a few seconds then confirmed with a nod. "You can get it by Tuesday this coming week. Are you sure you do not want to test drive it?" He verifies.

"I'm sure. So can I pay and have them delivered?" I ask him.

"Yes sure you can just give me the address."

"Them?" Kris asks me with a raised eyebrow. "Buying one for your huge ego too?"
"No, but I am buying one for you." I say with a smirk. "Can you order a matte black one for her and a shiny black one for me please?" I ask Sidney.

He gives me a huge grin and tells me he can. I look over at Kris to see she is looking at me quite confused.

"What?" I ask her.

"Why would you buy me a car for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Why would you even buy me a car?" She asks emphasizing the sum.

"It's your birthday present," I tell her. "Happy birthday."

I sign the check and thank Sidney before he says bye to Kris. As soon as we walk out of the showroom she finds her tongue.

"It is NOT my birthday today!" she exclaims.

"It is," I say as I open the door for her. She doesn't get in.

"No it isn't," she argues.

"It is the 27th of February isn't it?" I ask her. She takes out her phone and looks at the date. She looks at me then quietly gets into the car.

Thank you for reading:) Remember to vote, comment, follow and share. Love you all..xx

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