kawaii desu baka; K-on

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Wholly shiza. This anime. I kinda put this off bc too lazy to do it.

Oh and btw, I have no idea what the title says.


The band club is going to be removed because no one signed up. These girls get together to try to get enough members. One is like the piano player, the singer, the drummer, the random recruited girl who does it for the snacks.



 Yui Hirasawa - This was the main character. She pissed me off so much. I couldn't even stand her. She's an idiot. She doesn't know how to read music then becomes freaking Leonardo Davincchi at it. I don't even know how that's possible and I had to get most of my information off of Wikipedia.

 Bassist: Mio Akiyama- All I remember about her is that she was forced into the band. The rest is copied from Wikipedia. She gets excellent grades in school and is often mature and strict especially where Ritsu is involved; her weakness is the macabre and horrific, and she is often incapacitated with fear when stories involving ghosts, blood, injuries, haunted houses, barnacles or other disturbing topics come up. She also has a fear of being in the spotlight and gets embarrassed easily, and is often subject to teasing from Ritsu  and Sawako, their club adviser and eventual third-year homeroom teacher

Drummer: Ritsu Tainaka,- Her family owns a café so she brings in sweets. That's how they get Yui to join the club.

Keyboardist: Tsumugi Kotobuki - Wikipeadia hints she might be gay.

Ok I stopped watching this, then I threw my computer a wall. It's complete garbage. I have no idea how the main character even functions in life. The idiot, is a simpleminded teenager with the IQ of a trash can!

The last episode I watched was when they went to get a guitar for Yui bc she didn't even have one. And that one girl's family owned the place so they ended up getting the expensive guitar for free or something.


No jk



I watched like 2 episodes and then stopped because I hated it so much.

The main character is an idiot. Enough said.

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