Chapter 7; Hospitals

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Chapter Title: Chapter 7; Hospital.
Ely's PoV
I heard two sets of soft beeping, the noises were steady. There were also soft voices.

"I'm glad you're awake Danny..." I heard Max sniffle.

"So am I..." Danny agreed, "I hope Ely wakes up soon..."

"Yeah..." Max sighed softly. I heard another pair of voices. My mother's, and one I didn't recognize.

"Miss, your children's blood is extremely strange! They shouldn't even be alive right now! And they have dog ears and a dog tail!" The female's voice was hushed.

"Well then it's a miracle they lived!" My mother whispered back, obviously angry.

"We need to run tests!" The female insisted.

"I said no!" My mother declined. The female with her sighed heavily.

"Fine..." She muttered, then a door open and a pair of steps seemed to disappear. Another pair walked just passed my bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked gently.

"I'm okay mom, really." Danny swore.

It's my fault he's hurt... Its always my fault! I thought, clenching my fist. I released the stance quickly and sighed, opening my eyes.

"You're awake!" Mom sighed on relief. Lights were blocking my vision though there was a female figure leaning over me. My eyes focused to see mom.

"Y-yeah..." I muttered. The pain in my body had subsided by now. "I... I'm sorry..." I sniffled.

"Ah come on Ely..." Danny called with a frown, "don't cry!" I looked over at him, he was to my left in another bed. I gulped down the cry I wanted to let out and smiled. I room this time to look at his injuries; he had small cuts all over his body, well his visible body. I couldn't see much. I looked at my arms there were a few cuts on those too.

"I didn't mean to-" I started.

"Ely, it's not your fault." Max cut me off. I looked at him, he had a small cut over his eye and on his cheek. "It's the person who hit us's fault for hitting us!"

"Yeah..." I muttered, "but if I hadn't freaking run of this wouldn't of happened!" The heart rate monitor slightly increased.

"Ely." Danny spoke calmly, "it's okay." He sighed softly. His mouth opened to say something else, but mom spoke first.

"Why we're you out of school anyway?" Her voice was slightly angered.

"I..." I started. Why was I out of school?

Oh because you showed your angry puppy face and everyone ran away and fire and you ran off.

I repeated that... Aloud.

"What?" My mom asked in an angered confusion.

"W-well... Vanessa was holding Carmine and Alex hostage... Then I got punched... Then I scared everyone off... Even Alex and Carmine... Then the kitchen was on fire and I ra out the backdoor..." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Angered puppy form?" Max chimed in. My face flushed. Danny sighed softly. "Does that have to deal with the whole... Ears and tail thing?" He asked awkwardly.

"Yeah..." Danny answered nervously.

"Okay," Max nodded. Mom's eyes rolled and she focused on me.

"So you did what?" She grumbled.

"I already said, twice!" I defended. Her face was filled with anger. I gulped, pushing back into the bed.

"Fine." Her head shook and she walked towards the door. "I'm going to the cafeteria..." She muttered then left. I stared at my blanket covered-feet. My eyes started to water. I'm so weak! Stop crying you baby brat! You've cried in almost every chapter!

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