Chapter 3; That Night...

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Chapter Title: Chapter 3; That Night...
Ely's PoV
I stared at the boy in front of me, confused and shocked. "How did you get into my room?" I gasped, speaking lowly.

"The window is broken." He pointed to the window behind him. "Why does this rock say FREAK?" He held a rock in my face. I shoved his hand away, causing the rock to tumble away.

"Ely?" My mother tapped on my locked door. I glanced back worriedly. "Who are you talking to? And don't say no one!" She grumbled.

"You need to leave." I whispered harshly to him.

"You're the dog-girl..." He gasped, almost laughing. I tensed, glaring back at him. "Okay, jeez..." He muttered, leaving through the window quickly. "I'll see you later, I guess..." He mumbled. His curled tipped, Brown hair blocked his muddy brown eyes. He waved and quickly ran off, hding his hands in his pockets.

"Ely!" Mom screamed through the door, hitting it. "Open up!" She hissed. I opened the door quickly. I started st the ground as mom stormed in, looking around. She sniffed the air. And looked at me with her sharp, piercing golden eyes. "Who was in here?" She followed the smell to the window and looked around cautiously. I didn't answer. "Answer me, Ely!" She turned harshly, her pulled back silver fluffy 'coat' following.

"I don't know..." I mumbled back, unable to look up. She stormed over.

"You don't, know?!" She yelled. I winced.

"N-no..." I murmured.

"How do you not know?!" She was practically screaming.

"I- I just don't..." I whimpered.

"Done lie to me!"

"I don't!" I whined, sniffling. I felt more tears on the brink of escape.

"Don't you dare start with those water works!" She yelled, storming around. Glass crinkling on the hardwood floor. I couldn't help it, I was in tears. "That's it." She sighed, "you're grounded. Clean this up." She pointed st the glass and stormed out, shoving me slightly. I didn't say anything as I got the vacuum and made sure it was all gone. I vacuumed every surface in my room, just to be safe. I lightly tossed the rock into the yard.

I pushed the vacuum into the hall. My eyes slowly glance to Danny's room. Mom was sitting on his bed, hands hidden in her hair she was in tears and muttering about what she thought was going to happen. Danny was sitting besides her, rubbing her back. He glanced up seeing me, he now looked mad. I shuttered and slid into my room. Puppy followed after me, I closed the door and curled up on my bed, hiding in the corner. I curled my legs to hide my face. Puppy hoped up and curled up besides me.

"Don't be Sads sissy." Puppy whined. I gave her a weak smile, peeking over.

"I'm sorry, Puppy. I'll try not to be..." I swallowed the pain in my throat. Puppy licked my arm, jumping around now. I chuckled quietly. There was a rough knock on the door. Before I could reply Danny waltzed in.

"You made mom cry!" He hissed at me, pulling me up. I felt my heart beat increase quickly. He sighed softly. "I wish you guys wouldn't fight..." He mumbled, I felt him shaking. He slowly released and dropped me. "Man, today has been Shitty..." He grumbled.

"Freak!" The same girl screamed from outside. I felt myself getting angry. Danny quickly grabbed me when I tried to chase her. He flipped me over his shoulder and made me bounce around. I caught a glimpse of mom while I was laughing and being thrown around. Danny laughed while we bounced around. Mom quickly got him to stop, I was dizzy. He leaned over, slowly sliding me to my feet. Mom hugged us both tightly.

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