Chapter 5; Lost Girl

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Chapter Title: Chapter 5; Lost Girl.
Ely's PoV
"Come on Carmine!" I whined, tugging him towards the entrance. The lunch bell was about to go off. He seemed off in a dream world. The bell shot off in our ears, he blinked in surprise. "Come onnnnn!!" I grumbled, pulling him down the hall.

"I'm coming! I'm coming, jeez!" Carmine hissed, pulling from my grip. I have him my most innocent smile. He tried his best to be mad, but he grinned. I laughed evilly.

"I am a god!" I yelled through the hall. The librarian glared at me-the library was a few feet away-I gave her a kind smile. We then ran off, giggling.

"Great going, Ely!" I heard Alex from behind me. I jumped turning quickly. I smiled sheepishly.

"Always!" I agreed. Vanessa stormed over and clung to Alex's arm. She looked at him going to her tip toes which pulled her shirt down. Alex looked over confused, his I mean-their face went red.

"Why are you hanging out with these losers, Alex?" Vanessa whispered pulling up to their ear. Her tiny tits almost showing. I rolled my eyes, scoffing. She glared at me angrily. I smirked as she looked back at Alex. "Come on, handsome." She gasped, dragging them away.

"Huh? H-help!" Alex whimpered. Carmine and I glanced to one another then quickly followed.

"Let Alex go." I hissed as we made it to the lunch room. Vanessa clung to him, grinning at me darkly. Frick I mean, Vanessa clung to them while grinning at me evilly. A few others surrounded our new friend. My eyes narrowed as I stepped forward, but I too was surrounded. I looked to Carmine, he was also surrounded. The groups forcefully grabbed my best friend and Alex. Two of them grabbed me.

"Show us your tail, you furry bitch!" Vanessa hissed, "or your friends are going to have... A bad time." She grinned even more evilly.

"Hey!" I grumbled at her, "do not drag Sans into this!" I felt something hit my face. I was going to fall, but the person behind me forced me to stand. My lip instantly started bleeding. Where are the teachers in all of this???

Whoa whoa whoa, Heaven, no!
(Heaven. Ely. Carmine.)
I'm kidding guys, jeez, thy just don't give a crap about you.
Well that's reassuring.
Back to the story~!

Anyway, my lip was bleeding. I slowly felt myself losing it. My eye color darkened, My hair conformed to my back, My finger nails and canines instantly sharpened. The child behind my gasped in terror as they released me. Actually, everyone looked terrified. My hat hit the ground, revealing my ears, my tail danced into the open. I heard an adult scream.

"Happy now?" I hissed with a dark grin. I stepped towards Vanessa, who wasn't backing down, though her goons who held my friends were quickly releasing them and they ran outside. Actually I noticed a lot of people running outside. Vanessa was hesitant, but she followed the crowd. "Well they're no fun..." I chuckled evilly as my tail hod away, the claws disappeared, my ears hid, my hair puffed back, and my canines became my tiny little chewers. I picked my hat up from the ground and turned towards where my friends should've been... They were gone... A loud fire alarm blared. I covered my ears, tensing. I didn't see any movement from anywhere. I scared everyone off didn't I...? I glanced around again, the kitchen was on fire. I stepped towards it, maybe joining it would be fun? No, that would be stupid. The fire quickly danced around the room, everything was being engulfed in flames.

"Fire..." I muttered dully and walked out the back door. Flames flooding the room behind me. I could hear the crackling as I joined the woods, if those were set on fire... I shoved those thoughts away quickly.

My mind wrapped around the disappearing act of my 'friends'. I did it again, I scared everyone away. I ruined everyone's lives... I heard the distant sirens as I walked towards the street. If I wasn't around anymore...
And that's not how you spell dialogue.
Sshhh shhh shh! *hits with paper towel roll* bad dialogue!
Yeah whatever. I continued walking, hands stuffed away in my pockets, and head down. Sirens blared as cars quickly passed me. As soon as the sirens reached the school I walked through the road to the other side of the street. Cars were honking at me, drivers obviously mad.

"If you're so mad..." I muttered, "then hit me..." A car sped towards me, I looked at it with a terrifyingly-excited-amazed-and-scared-deer-in-headlights look. The headlights were actually on, which made sense because it had started to heavily rain. I waited for the impact, I wanted to move, but I also didn't...

A/N I'm sorry for taking forever to Update. I got stuck.
Date Published: July. 26, 2016.
Edited: N/A
Total words/numbers (not including title): 836

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