Real Chapter one

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          I woke up to the sound of girly screams, as us... wait that wasn't usual only one day do I here those screams. Valentines Day. Today was the day my parents died, and I am feeling dark today, so all black and no talking to people today? Perfect I got out of bed and picked out my MCR bullets baseball tee, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and combat boots. I went to the bathroom to get dressed and I put my clothes on and brushed my hair, I feel like I'm forgetting something, oh right my choker. I ran back into my room almost bumping into someone on the way. I slipped into my room and got my choker, it was the choker that used to be my moms, I kept it after all these years and it always fit me perfectly. I only wore today though because it was so special to me. Anyway, I'm ready to do absolutely nothing so I start thinking about the dream I had last night, but I soon get interrupted by the sounds of the speakers asking us to clean our rooms an to look decent cause some important dude was looking to adopt. So I grabbed my purple iPod and plugged it into my blue speaker put it on shuffle and started to clean my room. I put all my cd's that were once on my desk into a shoebox and put it under the bed, all my drawings and sketches in a folder and that went under my bed as well along with markers, pens pencils, and sketchbooks. I put all my comic books in a stack and the stack now lays on my desk. I made my bed with jack skellington covers and I finally ran to the bathroom to make sure everything was put where it needed to be and everything that needed to be hidden is hidden. I ran back into my room and unplugged my iPod from the speaker and replaced the speaker with black Skullcandy ear buds. I then grabbed my phone with a My chem phone case and went to the backyard where they had this nice big oak tree perfect for climbing. I sat in the oak tree for about thirty minutes but then I heard people talking and with instinct, I climbed up the tree all the way. I could here their voices just enough to make out what they were saying.

"I don't know Lindsey I'm really nervous what if they don't like our music, or what if all we-" The strangely familiar voice was cut off by another really familiar voice especially to go along with the other voice.

"Gerard, relax we've been to so many already and we have to find the right one here" The voices became more and more faint as they walked away. I just shrugged it off when I heard a cracking noise. All I remember is realizing that the branch I was on broke and I started falling to what I thought would be my death.

Okay, I'm, sorry I love Bandit so so so much and it brakes my heart I have to do this but to work with the storyline I have to leave Bandit out, don't worry I may add her in later. also, I need help with a description so please message me if you have a description I will give you credit and possibly also a character in my book!

Adopted by Gerard WayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang