I sit in the back with Manny, and he talks about that I don't go anywhere alone and if anyone is causing me trouble that he would come and help me out. I smile at him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Be cool with your booze, you begin to fall apart like three shots." I laugh.

"I do not, maybe after like six." I say

"We all know you're tottaly gonna pass out." Mel adds and Jasper chuckles.

The rest of the car ride all I can think was about that woman Sebastian was with. I'm guessing a woman his age, platinum blonde, skinny to the bone, with a sun kissed tan and can tottaly pull red lipstick. They could talk about artwork and medicine. Her name would be like Oliva. How I envy her, yet I was here too breaking rules and going to Darren's stupid party.

With a pounding heart beat, I grew nervous. And I decided to do the most desperate thing. I could.

From: Teddy🍒
Hows your lame date going?

I send the message and the faster my heart beats, I will be lucky if he reads it.

"Oh shit Monique texted me to get ice, people nowadays are so dumb." Manny says and Jasper makes a u turn.

From: Sebastian🌹
Actually its not a date, just a casual dinner. Lets says its going pretty better than I expected it.

I could feel from the bottom firey gates of hell this man was smirking. And I was so ready to drink more than six shots. Envy and some jealousy crept in. Honestly I never expected this feeling in the world. I have never experienced it and it made me feel pain.

From: Teddy🍒
Do you know how petty your being, I could tell your smirking, you old dirty man! I bet she's your wife!!

I grew mad, and then suddenly. The car stoped and we're here at the party. It was Mansion and the gates where open. Exiting the car, I saw solo cups everywhere and loud music. This place was going to take forever to clean.

I slowly began to walk behind my friends, eyes fell onto me, like I was some new girl. Yet thing was I knew all these people, from grade school.

Walking in big stair case, people all over and the smell of raging whoremones, alcohol and perfumes. People dancing and grinding or making out. My own skin felt alive yet my mind was telling me to leave. With the feeling of anger I lead myself into the kitchen.

"Want anything, Manny?" I ask turn to see all my friends gone. I spotted Jasper and Mel dancing yet they looked like they were procreating a baby. Bri was somewhere only god knew. And always I was stuck alone in the kitchen under the clouds of smoke.


      He looked at her as she got dressed, she blushed and decided to accidentally leave her panties. That spark that she thought they had, died down. He had mission and she had no clue.

"Darren? Why'd do you always keep looking at me like I'm some piece of meat." She asked.

"You actually are, and I happen to be hungry." He smirked at her.

"Shouldn't we go back to the party, we can smoke and judge people." The girl said.

He put his shoes on, and she touched up her make up. "I have other people to do and I'm keeping an eye out for someone I'm doing business with. So run along, and drink — Just keep this private like I said before. Bye babe." He gives her a kiss on the lips and Brianna leaves him alone.