The Eighth Victim-Chapter 3.

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(: Chapter three!! This one will be um... interesting, I guess. Hope you guys enjoy it! XD

The Eighth Victim

Chapter 3.

"Dad!" I exclaim excitedly, making him look up from the newspaper in his hand. "Guess what!"

"What?" He asks, curiously raising his thick eyebrows at me.

I bite my lip and grin at him. "I have a date today!" I sing, fluttering my fingers above my head.

"Didn't you have a date yesterday?" He asks me, frowning at the word 'date'.

"Yes, I did. But today I have a date with somebody better. Somebody even you'd approve of." I emphasize the word 'you'.

He scoffs. "There are no boys I'd ever approve of." He takes of bite of bacon.

"What about Brad Garner?" I ask him, making his eyes brighten up just like they did yesterday. He gives me a look that says 'No way! You're kidding!' I shake my head at him.

"We're going to the movies today, with Kaitlyn and Chris," I say. He gets a big grin on his face, making him look ten years younger.

Longingly, he sighs. "My daughter, and an amazing boy. Finally."

I take a few bites of my cereal, and then scoff at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He chuckles. "Nothing, sweetheart. I'm just happy for you."

"Yeah," I say sarcastically. I finish my bowl of cereal and juice, and excuse myself from the table. "I'm gonna go take a shower now."

"Thanks for letting me know," my father says, looking back down at the newspaper. I giggle my way to the bathroom.

After my shower, I took a long time examining myself in the mirror. My light brown hair stretched down to my chest and framed my heart shaped face perfectly. I had a few blemishes on my face, the biggest on my chin. My face usually only broke out when I was on my period, or I was just about to start.

Seeing the blemishes on my face made me think of Mrs. Hutson, and the lecture she'd given us on our Integumentary system. The more oil and fat you ate, the more oil and fat you had to get rid of. Skin was one of the escape routes, in this case. Did that mean I ate too much oily stuff? Was I a pig?

Sighing, I walked back to my room. I felt anxious but nervous all at once. I couldn't wait for the date, but I was also scared that it wouldn't work out. Maybe Brad was like Kyle, and all he wanted to talk about was track. That would definitely be a quick relationship ruiner. But I knew that Brad wasn't like that.

I'd always thought that Brad was mighty handsome. With his tall, skinny body, and his long, muscular arms, it was hard not to get lost just thinking about him. His smile was so charming, and his eyes....

Why was I thinking about him like this? Just yesterday I was annoyed with my dad for talking about him, but now I couldn't get him out of my head. There was just something so appealing about him. Maybe it was how nice and athletic he was. Maybe it was because he was gorgeous.

Anxiously, I took a glance over at my alarm clock. 11:37. How was I supposed to wait that long? Why couldn't time pass faster?

To distract myself, I decided to call Kaitlyn. After the first few rings she answers. "Hello?" She says, her voice muffled and heavy.

"Hey Kate," I say into the receiver. I sit down on my bed, and unconsciously start running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh! Hey Chica! What's up?" She asks, sounding surprised that it's me. Doesn't she have caller ID?

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