The Eighth Victim-Chapter 1.

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The Eighth Victim

Chapter 1

Incoherent thoughts roamed my mind as I walked through the halls of Clayton View High. My head was spinning; my emotions were whirling. But that was all hidden by a mask. A very proud, cocky, self arrogant mask.

A large smile was plastered on my face, falsely advertizing my feelings. "Addy!" I heard a familiar voice call. The words were faint to my ears, so I just decided to ignore them. I'd had a long week, and all I wanted was for today to be over.

"Addy!" The voice called again. Sighing, I looked back, and saw Natalia Worchester, a sophomore at Clayton View High, rushing towards me, a few papers in hand.

Her wild, dirty blonde hair hung just below her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes stared excitedly up at me. Her body bounced nervously up and down out of habit. "Guess what, Addy!" She exclaims, her high pitched voice ringing in my ears.

"What?" I ask her, attempting to make my voice sound as genuine as possible, even though I'm not really interested. Natalia always has something to say, whether it's something about her dog or something about the current governor of Kentucky.

"My Mom's taking me to France this summer!" She giggles excitedly. Her coral red cheeks pull up into a smile, showing off her perfectly white teeth. "We're gonna go shopping! In Paris! How cool is that?"

"Major," I say, smiling at her as well. It feels so ironic to be smiling like this right now, when all I really want to do is cry.

We only have two more weeks until the annual Spring Dance, and there are numerous problems. 1. I don't have a date. 2. I don't have a dress. 3. I have the biggest zit on my chin ever.

I mentally curse my stupid teenage hormones for getting so out of control. Even though I was a senior in high school, I still had to get acne. I thought all of that awkward, geeky crap ended once you finished middle school. Obviously not.

"Oh, I can't wait, Addy!" Natalia sighs in delight. She skips happily away, spinning around in circles and jumping for joy all around the hall.

Natalia had always been on the 'eccentric' side. Between her personality, her clothes, and her hobbies, she was branded off as one of the weirdest people at school. Every day, she leaves 'anonymous' notes on people's desks, saying that she likes their new hair cut, or that they did great in the school's play.

Last year, she'd been the weird new girl. Nobody had wanted to be her friend, and I'd felt bad for her, so I invited her to sit with me and my friends at lunch. I didn't know that to her that made us 'friends'.

Kaitlyn, my all time best friend, hadn't liked Natalia one bit. "She'll bring down our status," Kaitlyn had told me, guffawing at Natalia like she was a cow dressed up as a woman. "She's weird, Addy. Really weird."

I'd taken one look at the girl standing in front of me, and known that Kaitlyn was beyond right. Today, Natalia's outfit consisted of a long, purple skirt with gold beads, a brown, tight-fitted T-Shirt, a bright blue sweater, and various different pieces of jewelry. Her face was completely make up free, and looked a little on the naked side. But, in all honesty, she never really needed much make up. Her skin was blemish free, and had a certain natural glow to it.

After seeing Natalia skip all the way down the hallway, I preceded on towards my locker, my glum mood still intact.

I didn't know what to do. I had cover-up, so I could just cover the zit, but what about getting a dress? A date? Kaitlyn had told me to just ask somebody out myself. She said that lots of guys would love to go with me, but that they were just too scared to ask.

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