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" All rise? " the officer yelled as the judge walked into the room, sitting on her bench.

" You may be seated. " she nodded as we all sat down. " This is a case that I've been newly presented with, and I couldn't stop thinking about it since I've received it. Dwight Gulley and Terrell Longmire, against Ms. Renee. I have a question before any of this proceeds: D'wight and Terrell, I understand that you guys have been trying to adopt for a while now? "

" Yes ma'am. " I replied.

" Why wouldn't they allow you guys to successfully complete the process? " she put her hands under her chin.

" They told us that a child wouldn't thrive in a same-sex household. " D'wight told her.

" Is that so? " she asked, as if she was surprised.

" I did, you're honor. My name is Ms. Irene, and I work for one of the adoption agencies that they have tried. I would like to give a sincere apology to both of you guys. Sitting here talking to little Kaylee, she can't stop saying how much she loves them. I also asked her did they really run away, and she nodded. I asked her why, and she told me. Hearing her words made me really think about what Terrell said. It doesn't matter what form the parenting is in, whether heterosexual, or homosexual, as long as that child is being loved, they will grow up to love. " she smiled at us. " That's something that the mother neglected to do. "

" Hold on, you ain't about to tell me I raised my children wrong! " Renee squirmed, turning around.

" Order? " the judge warned. " Thank you, Ms. Irene. You guys can call your first witness to the stand. "

" Cali, would you mind? " D'wight turned around to her.

" No problem at all. " she happily got up, going to sit on the witness stand.

" What did you witness on the day of August tenth, two thousand and sixteen? " the lawyer stood up.

" Well, I was at work, and it was my turn to take a table. D'wight and Terrell, along with the children, were seated. I greeted them took their order, and was keying it into the system. I looked at the door, and saw Renee, along with another male, standing there. I watched her as she walked past their table, smiling and waving. I knew that she didn't know them because they would have waved back, and she would have verbally spoke to the children. " Cali explained.

" And how would you know this? " Renee crossed her arms.

" Well, the fact that you're suing them right now, it proves my theory. " Cali smiled.

" Thank you, ma'am. " the judge said as Cali walked off of the witness stand. " Ms. Renee, do you have anything to say about anything that was just presented. "

" The white girl don't know what she talking about, I was at home that night, cuddled up with my children. You see they wouldn't allow the men to adopt kids, so they take mine. " she argued.

" Kaylee and Jarih came to the house late June, so why did it take you almost five months to file a missing child's report? " D'wight asked her. She got quiet.

" Do you have any legal documentation backing up that statement? " the judge asked.

" We sure do. " I said, pulling out her school registration, Jarih's day care registration, as well as her records. The lawyer handed them to the judge. " You see, she stopped attending school until last year, when she came to us. Luckily, we were able to get her caught up because she is a very smart little girl. "

" Thank you. " Kaylee spoke, but quickly put her hand over her mouth. Everyone laughed, as she quickly hugged Krystal.

" Wow. " she nodded, looking through the papers.

" What are you smiling at? " Renee asked the judge.

" Your daughter is a straight 'A' student, and she has always been. Would you care to explain why it took her running away from home to get caught up? " she judge questioned. Both D'wight and I looked over to her.

" Times were hard, and we didn't have any money, nor transportation. " she replied.

" You still live on the corner of P street, correct? " the judge asked her, and she nodded. " There's a bus stop for the child's school, right at that corner. What's the real problem here? You have people who have known your children for less than a year, but can present more evidence than you? "

" You don't have the right to ask me that. " she yelled, wiping the tears away from her face.

" Baby, you're in my courtroom. " the judge nodded. " Even though things are lining up very well, the only thing I can save you is your money, I can't give you the children. She has to release her rights as their parent in order for you guys to get them. I'm sorry! " she apologized.

" Alright, now let's go. Kaylee, get your brother and go to the car. " Renee got up, walking over to them. Kaylee wouldn't move. " Kaylee Simone, I said let's go! " she yelled.

" I want to stay with you, Auntie Krystal. " she looked Krystal in her eyes.

" That bitch ain't your aunt, now let's.....go! " she snatched Kaylee up, dragging her outside. Kaylee screamed and kicked as much as she could, and the door slammed. I heard sniffling beside me, and I quickly hugged D'wight. The door quickly swung open, revealing a running Kaylee. She ran to me, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back. She walked over to D'wight, wiping his tears away and hugging him.

" Kaylee? " I heard Renee say, sternly. " Ya'll can stay, okay? I'm not fit to be a mother. "

" Renee, don't say that. " D'wight defended her. " We all have hard times, we all go through things. We all have wake-up calls. "

" No, I don't. " she argued. " My life has been shitty from the get-go, and there's no changing that. I don't want my children to go through what I did, believe me or not. " she gave Jarih to me, trying to walk away.

" No, you look at that little girl. " D'wight walked after her, turning her around. " That little girl needs you, and no matter how much I want that child, it's the truth. You will be able to understand things that we won't, and you have to be there. What Im saying is let us help you! We can help you figure this thing out, we can make things better. You have to try. "

She looked in D'wights eyes. She was amazed at how passionate and genuine he was being, hell, we were all amazed. She slowly nodded.

" I will sign over my rights to them, for the sake of my children. " she told the judge.

" Are you sure? "

" They're the only hope I have. I know they'll raise my daughter to be a young lady, and my son to be a young man. As for me, I'm far too damaged to fix, but thank you. " she patted D'wights shoulder, walking out of the courtroom.

" Then it is settled. D'wight Gulley and Terrell Longmire are the new parents of Kaylee and Jarih Lovelace. " she banged her gavel, walking out of the room.

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