Chapter 13: A New Sword

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The sun shone in my eyes early in the morning, and I woke up to my head pounding and my stomach trying to burst out of my chest. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "This really sucks..." I murmured. I took slow and steady steps out to the front of the church, staying quiet as I passed the rooms of my sleeping cohorts. I took a peek in their partially opened doors and saw they all had interesting sleeping patterns. Kaines had his butt in the air and was snoring, Eva had some drool coming out of her mouth, Liz had Sandra's pinky finger in her mouth, and Alesha was on her side with her hair covering her face, sleeping peacefully.

After I had passed everyone I was right in front of the door. I sighed and placed my hands on the cold, wooden doors and pushed outwards. The sight I saw was not one I expected. Just outside the church door, a crowd of villagers stood. As soon as I opened the door they began to cheer, then stopped once most of my body was outside.

Their gaze moved downward to my lower abdomen. Some of the villagers jaws dropped, a few girls giggled and whispered, and the rest just looked confused. My gaze followed theirs, and I realised what they were staring at. I was standing in front of them, in nothing but my underwear. I stood there, hot as fire, but frozen as ice. Many of the adults covered the eyes of their children and many of the young girls began to whisper amongst themselves. Everyone else was as stunned as I was.

I completely forgot my pain and ran back into the church and shut the door. I had my back against the wall and let out a heavy sigh, thinking the traumatic experience was over. The door at the bottom of the stairs was open and Sandra and Liz came out. "Good morning Ar-" They stopped and stared. I did my best to cover myself up with my arms, but it was no use. The fairy and warrior continued to stare.

Sandra, her eyelids half closed muttered, "I would normally appreciate a good joke here, but..." She stretched her arms out and nearly hit Liz, whose wings were the only things not facing towards the ground

"I know," Liz sputtered, "I'd probably have a good one by now." The Sandra forced herself back into her room and Liz's slumped body followed suit. The door closed and locked.

I let out a sigh and walked up the stairs. The door at the top of the stairs opened and Eva walked out to where I was. She yawned, "Morning Aram..." She stopped still and covered her mouth. My mouth went agape. The young girl took a step back and closed her door.

Next Kaines walked out. He waved. "Oh, hey boss..." He walked passed me toward and headed for the stairs.

I saw the next door and knew whose it was. I tiptoed around it and was almost in my room when I heard, "Hey Aram, I washed your clothes last night so here you..." Alesha had my newly cleaned clothes in her hand as she squeaked. I could have sworn I saw steam come out of her ears as she shook her head. In a moment my clothes were in my face and her room door was shut.

My clothes fell into my arms "Good grief, could this morning get any better?" I pressed my finger on my clothes and realized that they were softer than ever. When did she learn how to wash?

My legs nearly gave out when I reached for the doorknob. I stayed up but the door knob was no longer on the door. I looked at the knob in my hand and threw my head back. I put my head on the door. "I guess it can always get better." I turned around and saw no one, so I threw on my clothes and put the doorknob on the door and made a mental note to make sure I tell the church officials the doorknob broke.

I sighed and turned to the door. I tapped on the door a few times, and Alesha, covering her eyes, poked her head out of the door. "A-are you decent?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, while, flaunting my coat to her.

She nodded and opened the door fully. She stood up straight and blushed. "I-I'm sorry, I j-just, wasn't expecting that..." she squeaked.

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