Chapter 8: The Bastion

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"So what exactly is the Bastion?" I asked Liz since Aram and Kaines were way ahead of us. The streets were empty, so we ran as fast as our legs would take us.

"Well, since we don't have the manpower or materials to make a wall, the Sentinels decided to make a small fortress in front of the VC. They nicknamed it the Bastion and it is protected all the time by the Sentinels."

"I see... So that's why we're going to defend it, since it's such a key place?"

Liz winked at me. "You're pretty smart, but yeah, if the Bastion falls, the Vice Capital would be extremely difficult to defend and it would probably be lost in a matter of days."


She shrugged. "Personally I would just get the dummy up there and knock some heads and take back Solas instead of this war of attrition, but hey, what do I know."

I looked up at Aram. He was well ahead of us now, but I still couldn't help but stare. "So Aram's really that talented?"

Liz nodded. "Yup! He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes, but he's one of, if not the, greatest swordsman ever. He's actually referred to as the 'Demon of White' or the 'Pure Demon,' but I don't know why. Sure he's pure and talented, but he's no Demon."

"Wow... I knew Aram was special, but I never realised he was that strong."

"You bet, he's only lost one fight... a loss he does not like to talk about. Not even I know, and I've known him for quite some time."

Could that be what he wants to talk about later? I decided not to say anything though; I didn't want to make Liz feel like Aram doesn't care about her. I looked up and saw a simple two story stone building with a small fence and gate. There were a few windows and through them one could see an extensive collection of weapons. The clanging of swords could be heard in the background.

"Wait, Liz."

A small and muffled sound came from her lips.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the small building in front of us.

"That's the Bastion silly," she giggled.

"But it's so-"

"Small? Yeah, as we said about the VC, we simply don't have the time, manpower, or materials to make the great structures we used to; also we like the mobility of just being able to jump over the fence than having an entire army walking through a gate. Although it may cost a few more casualties than normal, it's still the best option for us."

"Right, of course." I was so focused on Liz I didn't see that the back gates hadn't opened yet.

"Alesha look ou-"

Wham! I ran right into Aram and we both fell over. Aram cried out.

My head was on his stomach and I began to apologize, "Oh, I'm so so-" I picked my head up and our faces were an inch away. That was the first time I really got a good look at him up close. Sure when I woke up it was pretty much the same distance, but my eyesight was a little blurry since my eyes had been closed for who knows how. His eyes were actually a mix of dark blue with a hint of green, his skin was mostly fair besides his forehead being slightly paler from his hair covering it. His nose was straight and had black stubble growing on his strong chin

My cheeks tingled and felt like they were going to melt. I jumped back and sat on my calves. I shook my head and rubbed my legs up and down several times. Keeping my head down, I said, "I'm so sorry Aram. I was talking to Liz and wasn't looking...Are you mad?"

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