Chapter 6: Personal Issues

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Before we made our way into the bustling city center I asked my comrades not to make a commotion since this was secret and I did not want anyone to see me.

I had to play my part and cover my face as we walked to the commander's tent, I did not want to attract attention since I was a little famous. We walked through the rows of white tents set up in the open area in the center of the city. We passed several Scouts and Archers, some of whom I recognized from my time in the Warrior's Order, but I had no time to chat; I had to get to the Commander's tent.

Just when we were but a few feet from the large tent, a Scout recognized me. He was an old friend, by the name of Otareo. I tried to hide deeper into my coat's collar but it was all for naught, because in a moment he asked, "Aram? Aram Knight?"

I just kept walking and tried to ignore him. I nearly looked back and greeted him, but I didn't want other people getting interested, so I tried to hide my face harder.

Then Alesha tapped my right shoulder. "Aram." She pointed her thumb at Otareo.

I shook my head. "Not right now."

She nodded and kept close on my heels, with Kaines and Liz close behind.

Finally, we made it to the command tent, and a Scout and an Archer stopped us right under the overhang. "Halt," the Archer commanded, putting up his hand. "What business do you have here?"

I revealed my face out from under my collar and I nodded. The Archer and Scout head's went back and they blinked. "M-my apologies Aram Knight, right this way," the Archer said, then he and the Scout put their left fist over their heart and their right at a 90 degree angle.

Before I entered Alesha tapped my shoulder.

I turned my head. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering what they were doing with that hand gesture."

I did it myself. "This?" She nodded. "Oh, that is the Sentinel salute, mostly just a formality or when dealing with a higher-up."

"O-oh ok."

The tent was even bigger inside than it was on the outside. The sides lined with weapons of all sorts on racks. In the center a large war table, with a huge map of Solas on it as well as two sets of hands. One of those hands belonged to the leader of the Scouts, Taylor Jay. The other belonged to Barton Clinton, an expert marksman with a longbow. They were arguing as we came in.

"This is suicide, if we lose, Solas is finished," Barton said. He wore a red leather shirt without any sleeves and black leather pants. He was very tone, and he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also very tan compared to the average Solasian. His longbow and his quiver were strapped to his back.

"But if we don't do this, morale will continue to go down, and Solas will fall anyway," Taylor argued. Taylor wore a white shirt and black leather pants. She also had her green cloak on, something all of the Scouts have. She had brown hair and brown eyes. At her side was her favorite weapon, a martial arts sword she won after beating a champion from the west in a hand-to-hand combat match.

"But the problem is..." The two Sentinel Commanders turned and looked at the three of us walk in.

"Aram!" Taylor ran around the war table and gave me a big hug, almost causing me to fall over. After a moment she held my upper arms. "Man it's been too long. I was beginning to think you died or something."

I sighed. "That's a nice thought, but no... I got a little side tracked." I moved my head to point at the cute, blue haired girl and the short boy behind me. Kaines bowed; Alesha smiled and waved.

Taylor let go of my arms and inspected Kaines and Alesha. She checked out Alesha first. "I see, not much of a fighter, who is she?"

I scratched my head. "See that's the thing, she doesn't even know."

She curiously looked at me.

"We'll talk later," I said.

She nodded, then looked at Kaines. He stood up straight and stiff as she inspected him. "Not too big, can't be over than 16. What're you doing with him?"

I rolled my hand. "I met him after I met Alesha. His village was being attacked by skeletons so I decided to give him a hand, since he was clearly having trouble."

"Hey!" Kaines yelled.

"Anyway, Taylor what's... what are you doing?" I looked at Barton with Alesha, who was clearly getting a little too acquainted with her hand. He held her delicate hand in his and kissed it.

"Alesha is a very pretty name, for a very pretty girl," Barton smooth-talked.

Alesha blushed and giggled. "Thank you very much."

He went to kiss her hand once again, but before I knew it, my fist was in his stomach.

Barton yelped and fell over. "Hey! What's wrong with you?" he asked, looking up at me.

Alesha rushed to his side and helped him up. "Yeah Aram that was rude, what's your problem?" she asked. "He was just greeting me, there was no reason to punch him."

"B-but I-" I stuttered.

Even Kaines agreed, "That wasn't okay boss."

Barton smirked at me and continued to act hurt as Alesha put her arms around him. I glared at him but then Alesha shot me a look.

I rolled my eyes as Liz flew over to my shoulder and whispered, "You've done it again knucklehead." She smiled and I sighed.

Then Taylor grabbed my shoulders from behind me, and said to the others, "It's quite warm in here, Aram's probably just too hot." She craned her neck to the side. "Let's go for a walk." Then she pushed me out of the tent before I could answer. Liz lost her balance but managed to fly into my coat pocket.

Taylor pushed me to the marble steps on the Capitol building before stopping me, turning me around, and sat me down. I looked up at her, hands on her hips, with a snooty look on her face. She tapped her foot on the ground a few moments, then asked, "What the hell was that?"

I blushed. "Umm, well ya see..."

"This better be good cause if he has the Archer Order leave the raid, we're going to have plenty of problems."

I tried my best to fake a reason, "Well you see... he... he..." Nothing was coming to my mind.

Then Liz popped out of my pocket and exclaimed, "It's cause he has the hots for her!"

My face turned red as a beat. "Liz! Shut up! It's not like that!"

Liz put on a smug face. "Oh yeah? Then why did you just punch that guy for getting too close to Alesha."

I put my head down in defeat and muttered, "She is nice..."

Liz stretched up and cupped her ear. "What was that," she asked.

I picked my head up and confessed, "I don't know if I really like her or not. But what I do know is that she is nice and kind of beautiful, but after this, I don't know if it's worth trying to pursue her..." Liz was silent, and so was Taylor. I just kept looking at my fists, clenched on my knees. "When I first saw her, I knew she was special, and thought I could have something special, but apparently I'm not in her eyes."

Taylor put her hands on her hips and gave me a look Liz usually does, and said, "You really are an imbecile."

I looked at Liz. "I hear that enough already... but why?"

Taylor shook her head disapprovingly and was about to say something, then stopped. Then she spoke, "Just give it time."
"But wait, what does that-" But I couldn't finish. Taylor grabbed my hand and began to run, dragging me along with her. "Wait! What are you doing?!"

"We can't delay any longer," Taylor answered, "I have to tell you the plan."

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