Chapter 8 secrets revealed

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Jordan's POV

"Dammit Arianna!"  i screamed as i ran to the door of the green room, only to be haulted by andy , Travis and Deryck.  "Arianna!  Please!  No, i promise!" i sighed with frustration and turned back to the girl who SNUCK into the greenroom.  "Get out." i said sternly.  she diddnt move.  anger welled up inside me.  "GET OUT NOW." i yelled.  this time she sprinted out just as fast as a deer who's being hunted.  the three guys parted to let her out.

"Bro,"  Andy said putting a hand on my back.  "What did you do?"  i shook off his hand.  Still, i diddnt turn to face them.  i tried to re-live what had just went down, but i kept visioning her face.  it was filled with pure horror.  she looked embaressed, but the look that hurt me the most, she looked betrayed.  betrayed by me.

Deryck spoke next.  "Jordan."  he paused.  "What happened?"

my back still turned, i stuttered.  "That, thing, snuck in here and cornered me.  she was a crazed fan.  she was telling me how much i meant to her, then-"  my voice broke.  tears of rage welled up in my eyes.  "She kissed me.  and thats the part Arianna walked in on.  thats the only part she saw!"  i turned to face them.  "Guys, she'll never forgive me."  i looked down at my shoes.  "I may have just lost the one thing i love."

They were silent.  Charlie appeared in the door way.  "Hey Jordan, Arianna's practically dying over somthing. she won't tell me what.  do you mind taking her home?"

She's practically dying?  she's hurting!  because of me.  the thought of her so torn up because of my doing, made me feel like a monster.  Rage filled my veins and threw my keys at Andy.  walking out the door i growled, "Andy'll do it."  and i stormed out.

there was no place to go, if i went out the lobby she'll probably be there.  so the only place i knew i could be alone was the empty venue.  i had a little time before the guys started packing up.  so i hopped on the stage and turned around to face the empty audiance.  it replayed in my mind over and over and over again.  i fell to my knees with dispare. 

"You know hurting your self because you hurt someone else will never slove anything.  it won't make you anymore of a man."  Travis entered the stage.  i looked up at him and scoffed.  "Look, it's really obvious how much you like her, i pretty sure charlie has a clue.  i mean with the way you acted in there, i think he knows."

"Fuck.  thats the only thing she wanted, for charlie not to know."  i hung my head in my hands.  "i failed her of that too."

"well, listen, give it a few days.  give her some space and let her breathe.  she'll talk to you when she's ready."

"Travis?"  i asked.  "Am i a monster?"

he chuckled.  "no, Jordan, you're not.  it was a little kiss that was forced upon you.  she'll relize that.  everything will work out."

~ ~ ~

Arianna's POV

Andy had driven me home in Jordan's car, even though there were only 2 of us, i still sat in the back seat.  nobody said anything the whole way home.  and now i lie on my bed, my body numb and my thoughs vacant.  is this what it's like to be dead?  i asked myself.  maybe if i just stay here and don't move i can just sink into my bed and never come out.  i'll never have to face jordan again.

about 30 minutes went by and Charlie appeared in my door way.  i sat up, and he talked.  "Did it have somthing to do with Jordan?"

i was caught off guard.  how did he know, did the guys tell him?  "w-w-what?"

he sighed, "It's obvious how much he likes you.  how he looks at you, watches your every move."  he paused.  "and how much you like him."  i stiffened.  "you look at him with this expression i've never seen on you before."

"i-i don;t know what you're talking about."

"oh please Ari, spare me the lies.  i caught on after you guys came back from starbucks.  but i pushed it aside 'cause i figured someone would tell me if anything was happening."  he sat down beside me and put his arm around me.  "i knew for sure when you ran upstairs after you gave me the ryder news and he ran after you.  Ari, he stayed with you for an hour up there."

"oh, yeah.."  i made a forgot-to-tell-you-diddnt-i face.

he smiled.  "now tell me, what did he do to you?"

i gulpped.  "you cannot go all ape shit on him okay?  or i will never forgive you!"  he agreed not to.  "i walked in on him kissing another girl in the green room."  his body stiffened and he stood up.

"no, no that doesnt sound like Jordan, he's very reserved, exspecially around strangers."  he looked at me.  "Are you sure?"

i nodded.  "char, please don't get involved.  please.  im a big girl, im 18!"

"i won't."  he started for the door, but turned back.  "But, you might not wanna come downstairs, okay?"

wow.  just wow. he had the nerve to come back into my house after what he just did?  jerk.

Whatever, im over it and most certainly over him.

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