Type #14

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Type 14 



For those of you who don't know what roleplays are, they're basically like drugs. They're ridiculously addictive and godlike and anazing and One Direction has found a way to ruin them as well.

Today, I won't follow the usual format of telling you how the story goes and what's wrong with it. I'll be doing it parallely.

See, roleplays (in my opinion) are really really fun. Truth be told, I'm addicted to them. I really am. I can't explain why, I can just tell you they're tons of awesomeness. Basically, you play a person, and someone else plays another person and you kind of work your actions and dialogues off from over there.

Now I have nothing against One Direction roleplays as long as I don't have to read them. But that is the problem; I do have to at least come across truckloads of them on Wattpad. Honestly speaking, I don't really like reading any kinds of roleplays. Unless I have participated in them and need them for building a story.

For example: I write a story called 'Target' here on Wattpad with one of my best friends. That story would be impossible without roleplays. But it is a story; NOT a bunch of dialogues and actions in a go. (Hold on, I'm coming to the One Direction aspect of it.)

Roleplays can be used to have a base layer on what your storyline will be and how you will be going along with your plot development. It makes writing a lot easier, I'll confess it. But when you publish a roleplay, it's like publishing the first draft of a very poorly written novel. It needs a lot of refining. RPs are generally a lot more fast-paced because everyone taking part in the RP knows what they're heading towards. The reader of the RP still has no idea and is left in utter confusion.

Now, let me tell you why I hate One Direction RPs so much.

The members from One Direction are actual human beings. There is only so much you can decipher about a person from watching endless interviews or real-life interactions, let alone from the music they write.

Take for instance: Jennifer Lawrence. Everyone knows she loves food and the Hunger Games and that she's funny as hell, but that's as much trivia about a celebrity as you can get. Sure, you might know what her favourite colour is, but can you really tell how she's going to react to every tiny detail?


When you take part in an RP as anyone - anyone at all - you have to make sure you know the person back through front to see what their thoughts and actions will be towards scenarios. RPs are excellent character developers, but for shitty One Direction stories where you have shitty plots and shitty characters and shitty situations and shitty writing skill and shitty notions as to what Harry Styles would do if you decided to make out with him in the middle of a crowd, it is impossible - I repeat, impossible - to have a good RP. Not from publishing aspect, but from even enjoying the RP yourself.


It annoys me to no extent. Why in the world would you show other people your RPs? I have about eleven RP partners over e-mail and two in real life, but I never show other people these RPs. Not because I have privacy issues, but because the other person isn't going to understand them. It's because the RP is my little nutshell where I can do crazy things and justify them with being my character's faults and flaws.

But the fact that hormone-ridden girls are specifically fantasising about having perfect boyfriends in a famous boy-band just pisses me off. There's a big fat line dividing how you can play an already- existing person (ie. your own sweet perfect image) and how you should play an already-existing character (ie. study them well enough so you know them so precisely you can tell people how they react even if you're woen up at 3 in the morning to do so.)



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